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Posted: 01-04-2004 18:16
by GazMaN
[1234]Jr wrote: It's a game, it's not meant to be 100% serious - meant to have fun

Serious-ness is wreaking DB cos everyone is SO obssessed with winning :'(


Posted: 02-04-2004 09:18
by [1234]Jr
xiller8r wrote: 31-03-2004 13:37
by [1234]Jr

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: PLANNED... :lol: :lol: :whocares: :'(

And i know, not everyone, Gaz .. just about ..err 90% of the clans ;)

Posted: 02-04-2004 16:05
by BlackFlame
23 have a good chance i think

Posted: 02-04-2004 17:05
by Achilles
certaintly now they have the wallieman X_X

Posted: 02-04-2004 17:25
by [1234]Jr
Ok, open a poll

"since when was having WallBreaker a benefit?"

or open another poll

"Was Achilles being sarcastic?"

or totally forget about that god damn Jr or Chips poll!


did i mention i would win?

Posted: 03-04-2004 16:50
by GhosT_Face_KiLLa
Its not being obsessed with winning, when we play we dont intend to lose, if we loose o well the other team was better or cheated ;)

Posted: 04-04-2004 01:22
by BlackFlame
probably cheated or whored a move

Posted: 04-04-2004 14:08
by Achilles
now how could u think i was being sarcastic jr