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Everything about Death Ball.

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

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Post by Fooman »

Deathball is what Bombing Run should have been.

GG DavidM.

Best teamplay of any mod out there.

Balls don't go through you, it's just the lag.

It's lagtastic!

Uberfun for you and your m8s.
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Post by R3L!K »

deathball, because you're worth it

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Post by theberkin8or »

I think the best testmonal to deathball is the number of players that have been playing it for more than a year. I personally started about a year and a half ago and still would rather play deathball than most other games. In fact since getting deathball I have finished a grand total of one other game (when i had access to deathball) nothing can keep my attention when competing with db.

I still remember the first game of db that i played. I was just utterly amazed by the teamplay, the passing in pariticular. I told myself in that moment that this was the game I had been looking for and I was right. And this new verson is so polished that I think it has the potental to bring that moment for others. It is the best new form of sports game I have seen in years. If pro companies would follow its model I think they could create a new genra.

btw david remember you don't have to use all of quotes "..." are great and you can fix spelling with (sic).
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Post by PHiLø »

LOL the one i really hate is

"deathball is just BR"
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Post by Koning_Floris »

Deathball is like a game, with teamplay, but then realy realy cool and stuff.

If your looking for that game wich combines real teamplay with stunning action, get this game.

Where teamplay matters...
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Post by RaGe|DB »

what bout this

"I purchased Ut2k3 and Ut2k4 for Deathball only"

"If it would turn into a standalone, I would be infront in line to buy it"
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Post by R3L!K »

9/10 cats prefer Deathball to regular mods.

Deathball: 2 teams, 2 goals, 1 ball, 10 noobs \o/
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Post by PHiLø »

"now i can pwn"

:p \o/
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Post by BurntLeaf »

"Deathball - Welcome to the internet"
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Post by Rino »

This trhead is really useless.

You know what Deathball is, the best future sport game u can play atm...
Is Speedball in 1st person view...
I'd like to have a map where u can score point not only shooting goals, but like speedball there are different stuff where u can do points...
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Post by beefsack »

"deathball <3 now i am become korean T_@ korea is mannar"