Doom3 Gold

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Post by The_One »

Have you seen the huge Half-Life 2 video from this years E3? You can really get a sense of what the game will be like from it.
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Post by Cenotaph »

HL2 rox, that 3 legged monster will be a hard one to beat, also, im waiting for CS:Source beta to be available so i can play it :D

i'll definately get Doom 3 also, thou this game will prolly cause me an heart attack :p
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Post by sergeantduke »

Yeah, I've seen the video - to be quite honest, I wasn't very impressed with most of it. I still think it'll be a kick-ass game, but I'm not as psyched about it as say, a year or so ago. :confused:
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Post by Fruitcake »

This is basically a summary of the PCGamer review.

1. The 6800 is a tad faster than the x800 cards. Both run it in full glory.

2. The game has four render paths: NV10, NV20, R200, and ARB2. All paths look awesome, even down to a GeForce4 mx, but the ARB2 path is the "full package," and is used for the R300+ and GeForce FX+ cards. It does all it's fancy shit in one pass.

3. PCI Express enhances NOTHING.

4. The difference between a 128mb and 256mb card is that the former uses compressed textures whereas the latter only compresses diffuse and specualr maps. In another words, no big deal. However, a 500mb card is needed to run the game in Ultra Quality mode.

5. 512MB is the ideal system total memory. 384 is required, 1GB is nice, but the difference is negligible.

6. Nothing special is included for a 64-bit OS.

7. A 1.5 Ghz processor is the least recommended, but a 2Ghz and above will help since the sound engine is entirely CPU dependant. Therefore a crappy soundcard works flawlessly. Not to worry, the engine only uses a "small percentage of cycles, much less than if the engine relied on a soundcard.

8. The only recommendation regarding faster framerates is to disable to "advanced special effects option." In other words, upgrade if you have problems.

9. They tie it up by providing three levels of "Doom lovin' PC's"

1.5GhzP4 or equivalent
512MB Ram
Geforce4 Ti 4800 or Radeon 9500

2.4GhzP4 or equivalent
Geforce 5950 Ultra or Radeon 9800 Pro/XT

High_End: Aka Hardware that doesn't exist, but best guess anyway
3.4GhzP4 or AMD equivalent
GeForce 6800 Ultra or Radeon X800 XT PE.

In conclusion, the game will run well on a variety of hardware, and Rob Duffy, the lead programmer, says that the game looks real good no matter what, and that it will continue to look better as hardware improves. Like all previous id engines, we'll be playing games based on D3 for another five years down the road.

Hope this answers many questions.
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Post by The_One »

sergeantduke wrote: Yeah, I've seen the video - to be quite honest, I wasn't very impressed with most of it.

Not impressed with most of it?? I thought the world it's set in seemed really immersive myself. What did impress you in it then? :p

Different strokes for different folks I guess. :D
Last edited by The_One on 15-07-2004 03:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fruitcake »

im personally interested on how the sound system will work, im also dieing to see the gfx on ultra high :D
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Post by Cenotaph »

prolly the gfx will be the one dying :p
Last edited by Cenotaph on 15-07-2004 05:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sergeantduke »

The big-ass 3-legged robot things impressed me. I'd have to watch it again to really know what I liked and/or didn't like about it, its been awhile.
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Post by fro »

i am stocking up on spare pants in anticipation
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Post by Robotojon »

you can share mine
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Post by Onge »

I was looking forward to Deus Ex 2 more than Doom III and Half-Life 2 and Deus Ex 2 was a huge disappointment. Hopefully Doom III will pwn, and if not it will at least look nice. :p
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Post by The_One »

I was looking forward to Deus Ex 2 alot myself. Such a shame. :(
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Doom 3 demo after USA release :O
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Post by Robotojon »

Onge wrote: I was looking forward to Deus Ex 2 more than Doom III and Half-Life 2 and Deus Ex 2 was a huge disappointment. Hopefully Doom III will pwn, and if not it will at least look nice. :p

i think Deus EX is probably my favourite single player game ever - i still havent got very far in the 2nd one, as everytime i try to play i end up swearing at the stupid UI and quitting after 10 mins :<
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Post by Onge »

Robotojon wrote: i think Deus EX is probably my favourite single player game ever

Same here. It's an absolute bloody masterpiece - I've played it twice and loved it both times. The sequel rarely comes close to the intrigue and excitement of the original, and took me a third of the time to complete. :mad: