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Posted: 06-09-2004 20:42
by Shev.npu
with u sina star quant (insti/nero) u should win.
but i dont believe u will get this team
Posted: 06-09-2004 21:00
by Morry
err you forgot the other 2 results where loc beat af :p
We'll just see how the tournament goes, dumb thread ^^.
And you do realise that these friendly wars aren't serious, don't you?

Posted: 06-09-2004 21:12
by Shev.npu
idd it does
aov are strong u numnut
u beat us 9:2 when? i wasnt even 23.. 23 is a new style now.
but we'll see
Posted: 06-09-2004 21:31
by Catalyst88
AoV vs 18+ final. AoV are still very strong, don't let gaz fool you

Posted: 06-09-2004 21:32
by Morry
Mate, you take this game far too seriously
p.s you suck at db
Posted: 06-09-2004 22:11
by fro
err.. afaik, there wasnt any ground breaking gameplay so chances are that if you suck now, you probably did back then too

Posted: 06-09-2004 22:33
by l0afz
Ashleh wrote:
af 9-1 D@mn
af 5-1 D@mn
af 9-2 s^23
af 9-4 gko
af 4-1 loc
af 2-5 loc
af 6-2 loc
af 3-2 18+
af 1-5 18+
af 3-4 18+
Right, so you beat lots of not good clans, and took 3 tries to beat a good clan...

Shev.npu wrote:
Game 3. Deus vs aB <-- aB
Don't be silly

Posted: 06-09-2004 22:43
by Ashleh
Posted: 10-09-2004 13:01
by Wibble
When is this tourney starting?
Posted: 10-09-2004 13:08
by Ashleh
Started+ there were volley changes
Posted: 10-09-2004 13:08
by -plær-
sometime last week wibbs
deus beat aB already, no idea about the other games.
Posted: 10-09-2004 13:29
by StRaFe
rolf, will just have to wait and see. Having 18+ to play is good i suppose cause once you beat them *prays* you can beat anyone in the draw. gl hf
Posted: 13-09-2004 09:18
by canash
with u sina star quant (insti/nero) u should win. but i dont believe u will get this team
awww was close enough
I don't know who will win this smackdown thing but gl to all the remaining teams

Posted: 13-09-2004 11:42
by Inter
Ashleh wrote:
Please lets just get some of these games started... af want to play ...! although i heard S23 vs Bk (Saterday night ) so gl.. i predict Bk to win.. however other af members have other ideas.. and same.. vs S23

it is then
I have my reasons to say things WHEN I say them , if I predicted from the start that s^23 were going to win is merely because I've been asked to sweep for them quite a lot lately and I've seen what they can do!
Too bad we have to play against them now...
(Don't get my words wrong , some of the nicest players I've met in DB are in Bk!) :p
Posted: 13-09-2004 15:50
by speedy
af in the semi final? rofl.com²²³²