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Posted: 29-11-2004 04:21
by rlbond86
22. That was totally unexpected.
Posted: 29-11-2004 16:36
by junimond_
I'ved lot of fun with #35! great way...
Posted: 29-11-2004 23:20
by Kisa
9 (tear under nemmet's oven)
12 (stereo): Nice dragon
20 (windows): I like this letter stuff
38 (formula 1): like 20
49 (fire): Finally it paid to like movies

62 (evil definition)
65 (philosophical depth)
72 (outside from noon till midnight) and 78 (that lazy cat) for their physical aspect
40 was too easy
Posted: 30-11-2004 00:31
by Gharr
8, 54, 58, 65, 68 the answers are very original
Posted: 30-11-2004 02:03
by DeusExMachina
69 was the best, because it didn't require a lot of thinking.
Posted: 30-11-2004 05:44
by Guy Weldo
New favorites: #52 took me hours to figure out, clues were vague, but when I finally got it I felt like I had solved the best puzzle ever. lol

Also liked 56, 64, 65, and 67.
Posted: 02-12-2004 17:54
by Nimrod667
My personal is 18....definately....a really good laugh if you stay till the end (screen18b, screen18c, etc.)
Posted: 03-12-2004 01:15
by DeusExMachina
72 is the best level. Insanely hard and frustrating, but soooo good.
Posted: 03-12-2004 03:06
by help_me
35: Very simple. But it made me find a neat program and waiting for it to zoom and see where it ended up was great.
Posted: 11-01-2005 07:19
by Kuti
i have to say 19, because im stuck on it and 11, because who would think of that?
Posted: 11-01-2005 11:55
by Robbie15
My favourites are #27 and #18 (the one with the piano).
Posted: 11-01-2005 17:50
by calitopgun
I'd say level 51 b/c I never knew that you could do that with minesweeper
Posted: 11-01-2005 19:12
by Mark1985
my favorites are the fake levels (51,52,53) .... I loved those ones

really inventive!
Posted: 11-01-2005 19:18
by calitopgun
yeah but that was so wrong b/c in the source code of earlier levels he said the the number "NEVER" lies. Oh well, it was pretty obvious and no harms except i had to cross out the solutions as I was keeping track of it on paper.
Posted: 11-01-2005 20:43
by cardoso
my favourites lvls are 11 and 15