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Re: Level 38

Posted: 30-03-2013 16:02
by MsWendla
What just happened? After trying a few obvious things I tried some other ideas and suddenly it tells me that I'm cheating and that my IP has been logged! I didn't do anything :'(

Re: Level 38

Posted: 30-03-2013 16:26
by frkyjenn
Just keep working. You some how "guessed" an old answer. Do the levels correctly and that won't happen :wink:

Re: Level 38

Posted: 30-03-2013 16:32
by MsWendla
I'll try my best :)
It just scared me a little, because I did not even leave the page and it told me I was cheating...

Re: Level 38

Posted: 30-03-2013 16:37
by frkyjenn
You must have done something wrong or it wouldn't have said that. no guessing needed. Use the hints and get the correct answer and you'll have no problems.

Re: Level 38

Posted: 07-03-2015 17:29
by snulzak
the tips here were really useful so far,but i'm having a problem at this level.
i get what 4th thing i'm looking for, but in 2015, i cannot go and check it anymore, what to do?

Edit: wrong path, found it!

Re: Level 38

Posted: 07-03-2015 23:22
by amh
:) Nice level - my daughter spotted the idea

Re: Level 38

Posted: 16-07-2015 00:46
by geojoe
Hello everyone! I'm kind of stuck in this level, I thought I found the fourth object but when I somehow put it in the url all I got was an easter egg. Is there someone I could pm for this?

Edit: Got it :)

Re: Level 38

Posted: 17-07-2015 02:03
by peymojo
Hi geojoe, you can pm me to see if you're on the right track. :)

Re: Level 38

Posted: 14-07-2016 21:52
by quanhi
Is this level still can be solved in the same way as few years ago?

Edit: Got it. Need to google for a some time, as I never used the msn thing.

Re: Level 38

Posted: 14-07-2016 22:56
by amh
Yes, still solvable but not as easy as it was 10 years ago, as many things have changed in how we interact with the internet etc :)
This is kind of a history lesson for some :P

Re: Level 38

Posted: 15-10-2016 22:22
by azure
Replaying and I can't find this anywhere! I can find it on google but not ever as a sequence of these!

Google skills where you go???

Re: Level 38

Posted: 15-10-2016 22:25
by amh
Pm me if you like

Re: Level 38

Posted: 16-10-2016 03:51
by azure
Oh yeahhh! Wow I love levels like this!

thanks amh

Re: Level 38

Posted: 07-01-2018 00:38
by luizing
just here to say that the next one isnt too safe for work

Re: Level 38

Posted: 02-11-2018 23:41
by pastelYellow
So... I'm kind of stuck 0_0
I think I know what this is about, but I can't find them in this exact order.
Am I doing something wrong?

Edit: less than 20 minutes after posting this, I figured it out. Guess I'll keep asking for hints here :)