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Posted: 02-03-2005 09:30
by junimond_
thats why there are hints for the levels are at the top of each chapter. if someone didn't beat the level yet - he can read the hints, solve the thing and than he can continue with reading. the book gives nothing away that u didn't want to hear. if u see it like this - the whole thing is the biggest wt ever written. but that was not the meaning of it. a version without 'spoilers' would be have nothing more in than the first page....we all know that there are enough wt's outside in the net - so why buying the book only for the reason to cheat? most people in here want to solve the thing on their own. and david wrote on the first pages that nearly all is given away in there. so it's the decision of the reader how far he would like to read it. and if u really want to understand what david is talking need to do it on your own - in the other case i think a 'mickey mouse' book is the better entertaining...
Posted: 02-03-2005 09:48
by triper
I agree with Junimond. It is up to the reader, how far he/she wants to read. The people interested in the book, is not that much interested in the spoilers but HOW you make a riddle. So far David has really brought up the creativity in other users on this forum, so they now have their own riddles, and I think, that was the meaning of this book. Hat of for David.
I don´t think, people that only goes for spoilers really want to pay €15 for a book, where they can get them. David could actually change all the un/pw, and then what good would the book do?
aic2276: I hope you take this in the good way. Not all people are bad or spoilers or cheaters. Some of them just don´t know, HOW to do things, because they DON´T read the rules.
One thing, you can be sure of, is that the mods will catch cheaters, spoilers or people, who are a little to helpfull, maybe not prompt, but they WILL GET them.
Posted: 02-03-2005 11:27
by DavidM
but the world is evil!...aic2276 would even report a dog thats going by, because his barking sounded a little like the password from level 4
Posted: 02-03-2005 11:38
by triper
Posted: 02-03-2005 11:42
by junimond_
DavidM wrote:
but the world is evil!...aic2276 would even report a dog thats going by, because his barking sounded a little like the password from level 4
Posted: 02-03-2005 11:43
by supamom
Posted: 02-03-2005 12:15
by DavidM
Posted: 02-03-2005 12:52
by aic2276
Should I stop or be more selective. You tell me.
Posted: 02-03-2005 12:53
by DavidM
either that or the other one

Posted: 02-03-2005 13:01
by aic2276
Will be extremely selective in the future. I came across a spoiler once in the forum back around level 40 and I felt I didn't solve it by myself. Wasn't any fun going through with that feeling. I did figure out how to solve it later though. Just didn't want anybody elses fun ruined.
Posted: 03-03-2005 05:32
by veryhardgame
If there's gonna be an actual book, how much will it cost?
Posted: 03-03-2005 06:34
by theCrusifix
20 us dollars
and 15€ european dollars
Posted: 03-03-2005 11:47
by DavidM
this is a clueless lie
well, a good bit more than the pdf
Posted: 04-03-2005 05:09
by aic2276
Any idea how much the actual book will cost if there is one? More interested in that than a pdf. But if not I will buy the pdf.
Posted: 04-03-2005 05:38
by theCrusifix
i really really doubt he will make an actual book that costs alot of money. i'm sure that if some rich person that enjoys notpron wants to pay for it to be made, i would almost bet that it could be done, but dont hold your breath.