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Posted: 13-03-2006 18:08
by Kisa
Well, there is a thread </notpron> ...

Posted: 23-04-2007 21:15
by condecuenta
Don't know why when everyone says that the lvl is simple... I just dont get it that simple...

Posted: 23-04-2007 21:39
by condecuenta
Got it.... you DavidM has made me think so complicated... that when simple ones are that simple I just don't beleive it.... hehehehehe

Posted: 19-06-2007 23:51
by Burgerking
I couldn't tell whether I wanted to kill David after ...well, lets just say I looked at that image for a very long time... or whether I wanted to dance with glee! Deceptive!!

Posted: 15-01-2008 00:45
by .:alamar:.
uuuuhhhm, either davidm is trying to mock me or this level is somekinda freebie ,)

Posted: 15-01-2008 09:23
by Kisa

Posted: 11-06-2008 14:51
by Faxter
this was really a "less-than-one-minute-level".
A gift. At first I couldn't believe that my answer was right.
love this level.

Re: Level Alpha

Posted: 02-05-2015 03:09
by amh
Woohoo, helloooooooooooooo beta!! Less than a minute \o/

Re: Level Alpha

Posted: 15-08-2015 17:34
by saberkiwi
On my wayyyyyy to the next one! Woohoo!

Re: Level Alpha

Posted: 30-07-2016 18:13
by Squeedle
Made it to the Greeks :). Gonna take a notpron break for a few days, but I'll be back to tackle you, α!

Re: Level Alpha

Posted: 31-07-2016 06:16
by d-fautl
Hey Squeedle! When you get to Delta maybe you could send me a PM so we can share ideas.
I got stuck there and took a break, but i want to take it back soon and the motivation would be great!