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Posted: 14-04-2003 06:21
by night
im not even reading all that shit.

this kind of game/sport is all about control.

if u pressured them right they would not have been able to *control* the ball.

im available for defensive coaching if u need it O_o

Posted: 14-04-2003 06:31
by -NS-FreshFruit
heres my secret...
I go for the ball everytime and not the guy who hits me away and scores on me...

Posted: 14-04-2003 06:57
by night
and ur such a damn hypocrite.

how many fuckin times can you say "They care about it suiting their play style. I'm not suiting ym playstyle".

ppl dont believe that shit from you.
u say it in every rant u make. you've said several times, u dont wanna have changed what u are good at. that was practicaly your #1 reason for not liking sprint. cuz the d could get to u faster and u couldnt score as easy.

found it...
--> "I'm anti-sprint for life but thats only because its completely useless to my playstyle and makes to too easy to defend against my style" ... genumber=7
last post

and i did read more of the initial post, and do you have any idea how many times u contradict yourself? its simply amazing your brain can decide its a good thing to breath everyday of your life.

Posted: 14-04-2003 07:17
by Fooman

Posted: 14-04-2003 08:37
by FAT('.')BOY
Its only a game ladies, you dont win anything tangible.

Why on earth would you time waste? Might as well get a lead and say we are gonna lame it from here on in you might as well all leave the server.

Posted: 14-04-2003 11:20
by f1end
Ever watched a "soccer" (as u guys call it) match...passing the ball around, looking for an opening...even just passing around to waste time, are both valid and useful tactics. If a team is doing this against u in deathball...then they have a good that your team should have spotted and done something about...other than just whine.

Man-man marking, if done properly would have meant that they couldn't have done this for longer than a few minutes without getting intercepted, or killed.

FFS surge...set up your own league playing "deathball 1.7 april-fools edition" and leave the rest of us to play deathball as it is and enjoy it.

Posted: 14-04-2003 15:08
by GazMaN
man, u wanna see the liverpool of old play,,, boooooooooooooorrrrrrrriiiiingggggg!! but it worked!! well all but for the time they coulda lost by 1 goal to arsenal and still win the title! so at 1-0 down they decided to play the rest of the game in defence passing back and forth quite happy to lose, but still b champions,, all went gr8 till michael thomas nipped in to nick ball and score a 2nd with bout 10 mins left!! :D made me chuckle!!

any way wat im sayin is, its a perfectly viable tactic (all be it dull) that can quite easily backfire!!

Posted: 14-04-2003 15:14
by DavidM
Hm, in DB you can hardly pass around forever. If the other team starts doing some pressing, you have no chance to keep the ball forever 0_o

Posted: 14-04-2003 17:54
by Larc
please read my posts on the subject. i believe it is possible to keep away if you involve the goalie. any comment?

Posted: 14-04-2003 18:29
by theberkin8or
i am a soccer player, so i have absolutely no problem with low scoring games (and i am even an o player) and anyone who knows me knows i disagree with surge on just about everything but i don't like the idea of slowing the game down like that, slowing it down to some extent is fine but not to the point that the other teams can't get the ball cuz it is in the backfield the whole time.

In soccer there is a rule against the keeper being able to get passed back to (and use his hands, but since all players use the the same thing in db it would be that same as a reg pass) i think some form of rule for the league would be good as well. keep away isn't fun for 20 mins and this is a game about fun not a game about winning (something i feel that some of the better clans may have forgotten, though i hope i am wrong, i know my former clan wk did).

also i think there is an issue of sportsmanship involved here, i remember back in my wk days playing rush in a scrim and we were up by one and the last min of the game my mid wasted time so that we would win. Rush yelled us for it and i yelled at him for it, because it was bad sportsmanship which should be more important that winning, it is sad that we have to alter the game to force good sportsman ship but if that is what has to happen to enforce good fun play then i think it should be done.

i am in no way judging the actions of rush or sop in this game but i do feel that playing keep away isn't good sportsmanship. play possession ball is fine but that is different than not even trying to score.

also i think that something like a 1 minute clock for time in your own half would probably be a good thing. It would force the team even if they are not trying to score to at least put the ball in a high risk area. There is virtually no reason that you would need to be have possession of the ball in your half for over a minute. if it was decided that this is a good idea, a very interesting penalty for this would be resetting the ball into the other teams keepers possession (this would be the same for the keeper not being able to receive the ball back penalty too)

finally to deal with the pub problem, just make an option that says official league match rules , just like your volley only option but with the clock and keeper restrictions. it is not really a skill that needs to be learned so not including it in pubs wouldn't hurt anything.

Posted: 14-04-2003 18:38
by Inphidel
On the subject of Death Ball getting boring.

The game system shouldn't be so chaotic as ti was, sure it didn't have the same chance of feeling repeditive because of that chaos, but now there is a more defined sense of rules when you play. tactics are being formed to executed by clans to deadly outcomes.

but you see this will happen eventually no matter what, but the beauty of deathball is we have the abilty to change the court in whatever shape we chose, its not like any sport on earth, you don't see a basketball game played on a U shaped court do you?

the game will only become boring if we fail to play new maps with new ideas, personally i'm sick of small cube, and low cube and every other map thats just a box with goals. theres no new tactics to employ, just a change of scenery....

Posted: 14-04-2003 18:57
by DavidM
but there is a timer in the penalty zone, the ball will be reset when you keep it inside too long
even if you only get it out for a moment and back in again the timer will continue, it will not be reset

the nmy team can always prevent it

Posted: 14-04-2003 19:28
by Psyche
Well, the world must be coming to an end, I agree with DavidM...

Just shoot me now :)

Posted: 14-04-2003 20:10
by Larc
but just becuase i am keeper doesn't mean i hang out in the pzone. if i stand just outside of it and sit there.... someone will have to come to force me to pass it, if the other team leaves one of the 2 closer guys open its an easy pass. once the ball is there the guy who tried to cover me will have to run back and cover the guy he just left...

if they shifted to leave one of the deeper guys open then a good pass to the middle relayed to the wide open guy would leave the team with a breakaway type situation.

what it comes down to is unless the defending team wants to give up their keeper they will be a man down in effect. and with fields as big as they are, plus the ease of passes keep away is very possible. i'll see if i can get a group together to prove that it is possible if you need proof.

i thought that force a team into a single half would keep the keeper from being invovled, he would have to stray way to far from net for comfort.

maybe it would be hard... i dont know. but i know i have taken advantage of this on servers, especially when there aren't a lot of people... say 3 on 3... i can walk up a ways and wait for one of the two guys to get open, and until they are open i can just sit there. i usually self impose a time limit cuz it gets boring otherwise, and when i get bored i tend to see what kind of chances i can take for the fun of it... rambling, sorry.

anyway, it may or may not be an issue, i'll see if i can find people to try it.

Posted: 14-04-2003 21:09
by Surge
In soccer when the keeper kills time i tend to walk over to him and punch him in the face when hes holding the ball for too long or his teams killing time. Its a waste of my time playing in a game where the ball doesn't move. I may as well waste my time doing something i enjoy apposed to being bitched around by some team. Theres many people that can vouch for me doing this that went to my grade school.. i did it twice in the season to the exact same keeper.

The only possible way to prevent this shit from happening is implementing a shot clock in the teams defensive end that doesnt restart untill possesion is changed.

If you would realy like to see time killing and cheap defensive tactics in progress go watch the UFO vs. RusH Red scrim from the qualify that ended 2-2. They load the box with all defenders which is physically impossible to shoot/volley through. Durring the RusH game there were AT LEAST 3 defenders in the pbox at ALL TIMES.

The only fair way to play this fucking game would be to only give the keeper the ability to 1 hit gib players -or- only let defenders kill players that are charging their gun in the pbox. Its just not fair. Honestly, SoP and many other clans could very well score 1 goal then use this tactic and win a game 1/2-0 depending if they leave 1 cherry picker downfield.

SoP ML won the American A league, undefeated, and had one of the worst goal differentials compaired to Rush Blue and TA for winning the league and the reason is not cause we lack defense. The reason is our defenders refuse to play like little pussies and stand in the Pbox the entire game. 13th and Scarface have far too much pride to stand in a box and let the game go to shit like many defensive players have.

The "balencing" in the DB patches since 1.4b have been totaly unfair to the offense. There were many good defensive players in 1.4b over in NA and honestly the lack off offensive moves/tactics combined with the lack of speed in ball movement and the slowness of the gunswitch have been hugh factors in this.

I played with [V3]Xelent last night just screwing around on the V3 server cause we were bored and most people would agree that we are both strong offensive players and we basically both agreed that if deathball continues to become any more like soccer that we, along with many others, will stop playing. Offsides and boosting were treatened a while a bit back and these 2 factors would have pushed me over the edge.

And for the record this had almost no relevence to the game that happened last night initially. This has been a complaint of mine for some time now but it never really set me off till i played this game. Its that simple.

And David M. What RusH did last night was passed to Psyche (their keeper) where he took a few steps forward, outside the pbox, forcing an attacker to go after the ball and when they did he would pass the the now open defender. Tell me how the ball resets.

also, on a fun, stress releaving side note: after the ball is in the defensive zone for too long instead of resetiing it or something just spawn an instagib scope gun with 2 shots in in the keepers box and let him handle it. I'd take up keeper just to get rid of those little fuckers that pull that shit.