Well, all been said before me, then I'll only say that you trully deserve every superlative, not only for making this amazing riddle (that even made me learn how to create a website!), but for founding this one great thing that united all this fantastic people from all over the globe together - IN FUN!
I'll keep up after your work. one day soon I know, you will come up with something even better.
I'm ambivalent. On one hand, I'll never see another Notpr0n level again. On the other, it sure is nice to be able to go on vacation now and not think to myself, "SHIT! I'm probably missing a whole bunch of Notpr0n levels!"
Ah, so this is the end. And you didn't even use all of the Greek letters! Oh well. Been a great time, David. You've proven to me that there's a lot more to life than what's obvious
Just wanted to say thank you for all the time and effort you put into this so we could have something to learn about. Is it sad that this is the end, yes, but life goes on. I'll still hang around to offer others help if they need it. Congratulations on one hell of a riddle. Well done. :p