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Posted: 22-10-2005 12:15
by DavidM
i still couldnt play passes via those walls
Posted: 22-10-2005 14:30
by Gobi
Beta 20!
Changed walls, this time wallpasses should be no prob anymore.
Posted: 27-10-2005 15:10
by StRaFe
Looks very nice gobi. Bring on more
Posted: 13-11-2005 11:26
by Gobi
Update beta 21!
Changed collisions on top of the goal, its not longer possible to score if standing on opponents goal and some other minor fixes.
Still needs a name, suggestions desired!
Posted: 15-11-2005 15:20
by DavidM
as long as its beta
dont release a final until final 2.4 is out
i plan a little change on goal size \o
Posted: 26-11-2005 17:13
by Imaginos
Snagging beta21 for the pubs.
Posted: 18-03-2006 15:10
by Desaster
Put the map now on thc65 server, nice work Gobi
I should visit the site more ofen ....