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Posted: 18-01-2006 13:05
by slimshady
i'm listening to my father's footsteps

Posted: 18-01-2006 16:01
by Messy
Imaginos wrote: I dig this: ... %20Com.mp3

How old are ye Messy? That Floyd avatar and DP are from my time!

Then I <3 your time :)

I can't really remember much from before the 90s :< I was born in 1987 :)

ps: Listening to Santana - Moonflower record now <3

Posted: 18-01-2006 16:18
by [GR]Kermit
Gwen Stefani - Rich Girl \o/

Posted: 18-01-2006 18:24
by NoSexualFreak
union underground - drivel

Posted: 18-01-2006 18:54
by GoldenGun
Eddie Hazel ( + Parliament) - Maggot brain

Posted: 18-01-2006 22:33
by Jelly
Led Zeppelin, Kaizers Orchestra, Muse, randomly playing between 10 LZ cd's, 3 KO and 3 Muse (+1 live)

Posted: 18-01-2006 23:19
by Messy
All at the same time? ;p

ps: <3 Led Zeppelin =D
Nice sig as well! I should probably check out Maestro..never heard of them.

Posted: 18-01-2006 23:31
by DavidM
The Senti-Mentals - Sisterheart.mp3

Posted: 18-01-2006 23:50
by NoSexualFreak
36 crazyfists - skin and atmosphere

you're not here, you're nowhere near at all.. just skin and the atmosphere...

Posted: 19-01-2006 02:52
by meep98324
milk it by nirvana.

Posted: 19-01-2006 12:51
by Austin^13
the used - i caught fire
does no1 here listen to GOOD music??

Posted: 19-01-2006 12:59
by DavidM
that's what im wondering all the time...

Posted: 19-01-2006 13:08
by [GR]Kermit
The Offsping - Head around you

Posted: 19-01-2006 16:18
by GoldenGun
all along the watchtower - jimi hendrix

music is an individual experience you fools.

Posted: 19-01-2006 16:24
by Messy
Nope :D

Music is the only artform that has a direct and real-time contact with the audience :o

Multiple people form and deform it and change the experience, both actively and passively (in terms of creating music vs 'just' responding to it).

So maybe you just meant opinions to be individual ;p
..which is true ;)

As much as I like to laugh at people listening to Korn or Britney Spears, it's their own choice and I should probably respect how much they like it.
(What I don't like however, is that a lot of people don't know the potential of music and how much it can give, because..regardless of whether you like it or not; most pop music (these days) is pretty shallow :)
Same goes for hi-fidelity I guess..especially with people used to iPod earbuds ;p ugh)