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Posted: 14-01-2007 13:35
by Ker]v[et
DavidM wrote:
it's a good tactic change. i was never a big fan of that move anyway

mind if i kill you? what about that stupid nonsence keeper whore volley passes. yea good tactic. thats fun.


stop harming sideeffects just casue you dont mind them >_<

Posted: 14-01-2007 15:13
by DavidM
pretty much wrong. im using all exploits and notice when things are lame <3

Posted: 14-01-2007 17:44
by Adversary
still ignoring me from the other night then eh ;)

Posted: 14-01-2007 18:13
by BunnyS
missing pass isn't my issue. Seems David you think people complain because they can't control after being hit anymore. For me that's not the problem , it's like over charge shot .. shit happens I will get over it. It's the actual shaking that just makes me want to go :


so I think dump shot of whatever Dan said could work :D

but yeah your game your call. Just giving my opinion :)

Posted: 14-01-2007 21:25
by The_One
Seems fine to me. Easy enough to get the pass off. Tone it down if you like but having the pass miss fire is a terrible idea.

Might not be so hot in 2v2s, 3v3s etc, where a locked pass often isn't on, but what ya gonna do?

Posted: 14-01-2007 22:13
by Adversary
i think the_one has missed the point...

Posted: 15-01-2007 00:20
by The_One
I thought we were talking about the shake. :o

Posted: 15-01-2007 01:07
by priior
i think the idea of the shake is awesome.

a bit too extreme right now of course.. but since it;s being toned down.. im sure it;s gonna be great.

Posted: 15-01-2007 01:35
by Adversary
the_one: yeah about the shake... but in particular, about making it so you try a lot harder not to get hit...

so either way it is striving for a similar effect

Posted: 15-01-2007 02:05
by The_One
I don't tend to get hit anyway but I really dislike the idea of misfiring passes. Stopping passes just seems to go against the grain to me.

Posted: 15-01-2007 02:41
by BunnyS
ok if it is being toned down a bit it will be good \o/

everything else doesn't bother me much like difference to game play etc it's the actual shake !


Posted: 15-01-2007 11:21
by Adversary
the_one: just because you find it easy to not get hit, doesn't mean other players and esp. beginners will... (and the point is so they learn not to get hit)

you can still pass through this shake anyway... so it's kind of pointless...

Posted: 15-01-2007 17:26
by The_One
It doesn't really matter what beginners find difficult. It would be more confusing for them to get a misfire (and me xD).

I'd happily see misfire go for everything apart from overcharging. If the current shake is too easy to work around then it can be altered.

Posted: 15-01-2007 19:58
by Adversary
do you always avoid actually answering stuff like this ?

as long as the rmb locks on... people will force a pass through it

Posted: 15-01-2007 21:54
by The_One
If the shake is sufficiently uncontrollable I don't see a problem..