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Posted: 08-03-2007 23:23
by Adversary
Alien invasion ?
'Alien D. Done'

It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't only like 6 that make any sense out of the 10 thousand or whatever :\

'An Eden Idol'

Posted: 08-03-2007 23:57
by Rincewind SW
Phew, gangster!

Yeah, mine are all rubbish.

Posted: 09-03-2007 01:45
by beefsack
DavidM wrote: beefsack:
max daniel leacher.... maybe? xD
the best i can come up with

lol what an awesome name, first letter and last letter is correct, 2 words ;)

Posted: 09-03-2007 01:59
by DavidM
so even max and daniel are wrong? it seemed to obvious :s
please tell me then

Posted: 09-03-2007 02:07
by The_One
I'd guess it was Michael Alexander.

That thing comes up with nothing for me. I'm gutted.

Posted: 09-03-2007 04:52
by beefsack
lol well done :p

Posted: 09-03-2007 14:28
by DoMmeh``
adver = Daniel deno ?

Posted: 09-03-2007 15:32
by sciep
Mine ---> Cristie Pope

Posted: 09-03-2007 16:41
by DavidM
daniel done actually

cata, your 2nd name is richard? \o/

karjala, are you another daniel? i just have no clue what your lastname could be...i can't get 2 y's in there.

Posted: 10-03-2007 13:44
by BL44T
Aretha Sells Monk


Posted: 17-03-2007 23:07
by Messy
The only ones that made sense to me were Dar Dill Stew and Star Dew Dill (still waiting for that outerspace Oregano as well).

My own creations weren't much better...The reason why 'Dreds At Will' and 'D. della Wrist' aren't listed is probably because they're..well..stupid.

ps: Die Salt-w(o)rld!!

Posted: 03-05-2007 11:43
by Kisa
Inhume Dark Leet Dude \o/

Red-Headed Multi-Nuke :D

Diadem Neutered Hulk :eek:

Ouch! :D:D:D

Posted: 04-05-2007 20:49
by :-)
"Black Alfred Man"

This thing ruins anonymity.

Posted: 05-05-2007 01:56
by niks
I'm "Air Hook Unit" :D
Maybe someone from Finland can figure out this one.

Posted: 06-05-2007 12:52
by tdr_hanga
"Marathon Guardian"

I think that could be a really cool job for me :D