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Posted: 28-03-2007 18:03
by DavidM
the magnet is not supposed is not a very advanced tool. you can do advanced ball distraction stuff, but its not really of big use.
it's main purpose is for everyone, nothing pro-ish. it makes catching easiert. catching of balls that would otherwise miss you slightly.
without the sucker you have to volley it to the wall to a 90° angle.

Posted: 29-03-2007 13:11
by DoMmeh``
edit: ty domi for your bugreport <3

Posted: 29-03-2007 14:43
by priior
the ball deviation stuff is fun but i think it brings in a level of unpredictability that's not really cool for serious play. (great for fun games tho!)

maybe even remove the tractoring people feature as well? and use it only to grab balls slightly out of reach.

Posted: 29-03-2007 17:32
by EsorcismoNJD
Hmmm, a magnet feature does seem rather interesting. Would be awesome for a "deflection" where a shot down the middle is sucked enough to change the ball's direction. Too bad I'll never get to play it on a server with a ping under 100ms. The NADB 3v3 chan is failing life support and the main one is completely dead. Oh well!

Posted: 29-03-2007 20:32
by priior
too bad the NA community didnt update like everybody else, eh?

Posted: 30-03-2007 03:53
by EsorcismoNJD
Nobody played, after 2.4p the basic reaction was "fuck this", I suppose the server operators felt it was a waste of time to update... oh well, maybe I'll give it a go in euroland

[10:59pm] <@NineBot> »» Last mix filled: 2007-02-28 18:52:04
[10:59pm] <@NineBot> »» Red Team- Captain: {UFO}Negative9 Midfield: HOVA[BW], HerbalTea
[10:59pm] <@NineBot> »» Blue Team- Captain: ot` Midfield: EBP`, SlapHappy`

And that was a 3v3 VO, I think the last actual 5v5 was 3 days earlier though. So as far as NA updating, would've been a waste of time lol

Posted: 30-03-2007 12:18
by DavidM
it's hardly a community thing. its more a server admin thing.
who are they all?

Posted: 30-03-2007 13:28
by Shinobi
wow almost 0 mixers since I left....Maybe I should have kept the BW server. Didn't know things will go that bad.

Posted: 30-03-2007 16:34
by DavidM
few months ago some NA-ers were making fun of the euro's for only having 3on3's. (especially useful to attack the ones who are playing...).

Posted: 30-03-2007 18:52
by EsorcismoNJD
Ummm... well Orbitul and XiD did UFO, but Orbitul checked out long ago and XiD became a victim of WoW so that server remains our 2.4k XVO server. And Inph got an NADBL server for us but he has since been very dormant from what I can tell... but I remember when there was talk of a new version in the channel, the reaction was pretty much "who cares?" So basically, when you say it's a server admin thing, that's only half true. If the community truly wanted the newer versions, they would've pressed the server admins more and they probably would've done it. You know inph by now. And chicken brought in some 2.3 servers (1 3v3 VO and 1 5v5) and both took off for about a month.

And Euro 3v3s are just a little too insane for me, I'm very surprised that 5v5 isn't the standard there because it's definitely possible and I always assumed that's what the designing of the game catered more to. I'd be much more apt to playing a Euro 5v5 cause then it feels more team-based. I do agree with Bunny though in saying fix bugs and tweak first, add features later. It's been working for Linux for ages now!

For right now, the NA community needs a miracle to get off life support... it's a challenge for you DavidM to make a version that genuinely gets people excited enough to "come back." Of course, this is only if you want to. Lotsa luck!

Posted: 30-03-2007 19:42
by DoMmeh``
i see lots of obviously old people coming back these days =)
in the #deathball channel there are joining lots of new players, sometimes only for short time, but they are there at least.

so, get ur stick out of the ass NA community and pull of your skirt you're wearing. pussys.


Posted: 31-03-2007 02:11
by Inphidel
What i saw happen was.

we had our average of 1 5v5 mixer a day near the end. and then chicken said he was gonna revive deathball ;P

and got a 2.3 server up. some ppl came back and played. the community split. some noobs didn't want to ever play 2.4 again some didn't want to play 2.3.

2.4 died out to 2.3 cuz 2.3 was 'fresh' again. but we see the longvivity didn't last and thsoe who wanted to play 2.4 stopped playing deathball cuz 2.4 was no longer being played. and here we are with a dead na community.

its a shame. i hope deathball somehow gets more ppl. but i think that'll only happen if theres alot of PR work in the states which isnt going to happen i don't think. cuz the states like to only post news on -new- things and new games. so they could careless about a mod for a dated game.

thus leaves only the posibility of it being ported to the next ut. which davidm has no plans of so.. goodbye deathball :<

Posted: 31-03-2007 03:01
by DavidM
there were no bugs in the last version. its was all just perfect.....except for the old ones (bots etc)...but nothing multiplayer gameplay related.

as for "hopefully there will be more player" i can only say what i say every day..... this is a mod for way. when the standalone plans work out (realistic plans in progress) there will be new ones. but not on ut2004. oh and i wont ever mod for an epic game again. mods are dead from day 1. the big times of mods are over, because there are way too many, and so few good ones, which overally gives mods a 'crappy' image so people rather pay some money to get something solid....or warez -_-

Posted: 31-03-2007 14:37
by Catalyst
DavidM wrote: when the standalone plans work out (realistic plans in progress)

hi2u :cool:

Posted: 03-04-2007 05:47
by :-)
Maybe I don't say it often enough, but either i'm making DB2k7 or I'm making a knock off. I'm arrogant, I don't take advice, and I like legos; I'm the perfect replacement for DavidM.

On a lighter note:

__________Dear Cata,
__________Release Xball.
__________P.S. I don't really love you, I only to play with your balls.