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Posted: 11-04-2007 19:15
by fro
oh censorship
Posted: 11-04-2007 20:30
by Suprano
nah offtopic cleaner. and i am glad about it.
Posted: 11-04-2007 22:41
by [1234]Jr
Thats on-topic.
Off-topic: Rrrrrrrubbish.
Posted: 11-04-2007 22:41
by DI
I removed the ban once...Without even asking the other ops. I made a mistake as well. I'm not moved by personal interest, but I had a long talk with Mutt some weeks ago and told him my point of view.
I'd remove your ban right now. What to do? Few ops replied, and I admit I ignored forum since I don't find it that usefull. I 've always thought that the most important thing when you take a decision for the whole community is that the majority of the active players (that includes admins too) has to agree.
Now please don't ignore this thread and post a wise comment.
Posted: 12-04-2007 20:59
by fro
Suprano wrote:
nah offtopic cleaner. and i am glad about it.