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Post by Robotojon »

George Benson and Kenny G (the sax player not the wanker) doing Summertime :D
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Post by DavidM »

ATM it's
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - Simple Songs

"the best song ever writen......"
yeah it's kinda an ownage composition

but for me there is a difference between good songs and the quality of the writing, sometimes I even enjoy cheap compositions
Last edited by DavidM on 22-07-2003 03:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hugi »

i love all the french songs...for example gilles floret etc
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Post by RaGe*NL* »

Robotojon wrote: George Benson and Kenny G (the sax player not the wanker) doing Summertime :D

GREAT SAX MUSIC, i have it to, but its 8 minutes long but very relaxing to listen to!
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Post by Armagon »

Yeah my dad is a KennyG fan. I've heard it a few times, though I prefer more active music in most cases.
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Post by f1end »

I don't like songs, words are for n00bs...give me some CHOONS...Any good hard-Trance, preferably German
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

O_o trance/techno bullshit = baaad >_<

It's not music, it's made simply to dance/move too.
Real music brings an emotion, relaxes u, or nething else.

That..and trance is just plain ghei :D How will u mosh to that? O_o
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Post by f1end »

OMG...u really have never listened to any PROPER trance, have u???

I can play u tunes that have more emotion than ANY song with words...why...cos the emotion doesn't need a language...and on the moshing subject...a) moshing is sooooo 1987....b) i have tunes harder and faster than any thrash metal...easy to mosh to (if u want to)

I beleive the music u r refering to is "cheesy euro-shitty dance" which mistakenly got labelled "trance" in about 1998, so that record companies could rape the underground dance music scene...

Music...bringing people together.. :)
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

f1end wrote: a) moshing is sooooo 1987

Yeh i was doing some wild moshing in the year i was born..
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Post by Dazlin »

Happy birthday...

Because when ever people sing it I seem to end up with presents what a weird coincidence o_O
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Post by h3r3tic »

*G* Trance sucks dude, trance has just NOTHING to do with MUSIC
People make music, they spent TIME on it..
Unlike people you call... "DJ's" Who just do some stuff with a LP and press some buttons and say : HEY! That sounds nice!
Trance is so fucking thoughtless!
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Meh thats not true, turntables are instruments.
Saying i'm singleminded cause i would supposedly not like it because there's no lyrics or vocals whatsoever is wrong, because i can seriously enjoy instrumental tracks, just as much as regular 'songs'.

It's just that my definition of music is more strict and thus dance/trance, for me, doesnt fall under that definition.
Meh, as said, besides that i just dont like the sound of it O_o

I respect other ppl's opinions tho i guess :p i still p00p on them tho :rolleyes:
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Post by f1end »

h3r3tic wrote: *G* Trance sucks dude, trance has just NOTHING to do with MUSIC
People make music, they spent TIME on it..
Unlike people you call... "DJ's" Who just do some stuff with a LP and press some buttons and say : HEY! That sounds nice!
Trance is so fucking thoughtless!

OMG...none of you seem to have ever heard any trance have you !!!!!111!!!

Just for the record...I actually agree with the bit about DJ's...DJ's should not be allowed to make records...which is why most of the trance i listen to isn't by DJ's...as generally DJ's aren't musicians. But I can play u trance tracks that have far more MUSIC in than any music since Mozart and his peers.

TBH...When I was a young whipper-snapper... I too was ill-educated in the ways of dance music...I thought it was all talentless crap, boring etc. etc.... THEN I actually listened to some!!! and soon changed my mind... It is the same with any style of music, there is good stuff and crap stuff...the good stuff is just usually harder to find, cos the commerciality takes over. :rolleyes: :eek:
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Ignore h3r3tic's post, kthx. :)
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Post by Cenotaph »

just respect everyone's music taste, kthx...