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Posted: 26-08-2003 09:24
by f1end
Originally posted by 2COOL4-U
Things that didn't work, don't suddenly start working There must be a reason
^^^he is running windows...
Posted: 26-08-2003 20:47
by Jerkoff
w00t berk! You still having thoughts of joining the academy, or has a clan picked you up yet? I've been playing tons of DB lately (under top-secret aliases, lol), but i can't commit myself cause i have a loaded schedule this semester. Ah well.
Posted: 26-08-2003 20:53
by DaJero
f1end wrote:
^^^he is running windows...
so am I, but that's really only because of Deathball. Otherwise I'd be using linux constantly
Posted: 26-08-2003 23:19
by -plær-
o// me too 2cool, me too
Posted: 27-08-2003 18:40
by Astroboy
I've had that happen when I host a server sometimes. But not always. Crazy.
Posted: 27-08-2003 20:18
by theberkin8or
lol jerkoff i never left ufo... though i will never get to play.
i tried to join dba but nothing happend