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Post by beefsack »

XiLLeRaToR wrote: surge u muppet

i do believe im stealing that...
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

feel free:P we'll have to work out some kinda royalties tho:x
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Post by BlackFlame »

i make bush penitration
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Post by Lithinite »

Actually in all honesty Rah, i quit SoP cause you suck shit at keeping and made us lose practically every game we played doing stupid shit outside your Pbox. After i left SoP I cae back like 3 *weeks* later, and didnt join a clan for a few days. When i joined NADB I was under the impression that DevNull (the leader of NADB at the time) was going to be keeping most of the time considering how often hes online and plays. This wasnt the case and I ended up getting the shaft. Playing with Cordawg on offense was all good and fun but then again, for every goal we score, you have to get off your ass and make a few saves. You didnt. This wasnt the reason i left NADB though. I told you why. DB isn't very fun any longer unless your on a good competative team. Solution? Well since fuck faces like you, Adren, Mael, Dirt, Xelent, and a few others seem to get this impressing that i'm satan i said fuck it and aliased under the very first name i ever played under when i played DB in 1.1 and 1.2.

The amazing part: I was actually recruited under a psuedo nickname by NS (one of the leading contenders in DB) and i played 2 scrims that game. Against DS (are they dead now? i saw Dev in vW) and RusH... To be quite honest it was very refreshing playing for a good team in 1 blowout and an actual good game. When i played with NS last night i played with ATB, my offensive partner in SoP, Uberslacker, the duh-king ;), Silverdragon who i'v never been on bad terms with, FF who i occasionally play Madden 2004 with (i'v been slacking in the league... sry :ban:) and Beaver, the BOinG guy from Ventrillo.

After playing 2 games i get back into the NS private channel (after being greeted by dirt AND mael who didnt know or care who i was) and who else but Adren does a whole fucking background check on me with DevNull. Its amazing how Adren, or should i say Crimson, or should i say... oh hell, i forget all your puck-bitch aliases, brings it to full steam that I am Surge and i should be kicked out. Afterwards I was PM'd a few times and lied through my teeth about my identity untill i figure out all the NS guys are all talking to eachother in some random channel and giving out my IP's and shit.

To this I finally dip my hat to you Rah, Helmetboy. Each and every thing i said in both of those statements is completely accurate. I said the game was frustrating. I was that game wasnt very fun. It sure as hell wasnt when i went by Surge. When i was Lith i kept my mouth closed, stayed under the radar, and only came under suspicion of being an alias after kicking a bunch of defenders asses. Its amazing how I'v had this talent at DB all along and can play so well with other people but becuase I'm Surge, and because I'm an asshole, for which reason i still dont know why, probably for responding to bullshit like this, and not taking other peoples shit most likely.

In my eyes my "exparament" was quite sucessful. I proved to myself that i still had mad skills in DB (scoring over 15 goals across 2 clan scrims) and that i could be recruited by people that hate me because i dont suck up to them.

Better watch your backs. Never know when i might come back you paranoid fuckface. I just might be the best new attacker your clan ever had.
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Post by fro »


I am surge!
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Post by giber »

I'm Tiger Woods
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

/me sings to a football tune

"your annoying, you tit, uve always been quite shit...fuck oooooooff fuck offf!, your a moaner and a loaner u cant sustain a boner fuck oooooooof fuck offff"
etc, just go away surge, so egotisital bout it too "im bloody great me" cya lol
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Post by GazMaN »

my old man, said b a city fan,,,,, i said fuck off your a cunt!!!


My old .......
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Post by Cenotaph »

man, said b a city fan,,,,, I said FUCK OFF YOUR A CUNT!!!

Cristiano Ronaldo owns j00 all \o/


/me runs
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Post by RahSun »

Well this is interesting...you quit because of me...how sweet. Fact is Surge I've only kept in 2 NADB/DS games....and you didn't play in one if I recall correctly. LOL you're funny bro. What's also funny is you say,
I told you why. DB isn't very fun any longer unless your on a good competative team. Solution? Well since fuck faces like you, Adren, Mael, Dirt, Xelent, and a few others seem to get this impressing that i'm satan i said fuck it and aliased under the very first name i ever played under when i played DB in 1.1 and 1.2.
yet you join a clan with 2 of the 4 "fuck faces" you named. You see Surge i've never once doubted ur skill as a db'er. and quite frankly I've always stood by your skill. Fact is Surge that you are inconsistent. You say one thing but do exactly the opposite. You told the members of SoP you quit because you didn't want it be competative. Yet you say the reason you joined NS is because
DB isn't very fun any longer unless your on a good competative team.
You see Surge I dont' speak without knowing my facts. And the fact is you have shown yourself to be a liar. So yeah...gl with NS...hopefully having those "fuck faces" Adren and Mael on your team won't cause too many problems for you.

As far as my skill as a db...well yeah I suck in keep. I'll agree to that. I believe I can be A LOT better. But I play for fun. Which is why I come out of my pbox. it's boring to just sit back there. And if you or anyone else ever ASKED me to stay inside the pbox I would....ask the guys who I pugged with Saturday night. I came out...costed us a goal...they asked me to stay in...and I did. You see Surge its "fun" for me to leave the pbox. And it's FUNNY when the other team scores because of it. I don't get paid for DB and if I did I would play completely differently. It's just how Dirt hits away the keepers passes! THAT IS FUNNY and IMO makes the game fun. You take this game to serious. And you might say that I've taken it too serious by posting all of these facts...but I did it to show that you are inconsistent at best....and a liar at worse.

All that said Surge tell me...did you quit SoP and NADB because of me but weren't man enough to say it. It's a game man. Its simple to say, "Dev I don't like Rah and don't want him in." You could have told Herbal for the draft, "Yo Rah is a dick and I don't want to be on his team so trade me or I'm out." But no you take the pussy route and make something up. twice even. Surge make up your mind. Was it me or V3 that made DB not fun when you were in SoP. Here is part of our conversation after you left and anyone can get the complete log if from me. Anyway here is what you said.
[15:45] x-Rah> d0000000000d!
[15:45] x-Rah> lol
[15:45] x-Rah> dun leave
Session Close: Sun Jul 27 15:45:29 2003

Session Start: Sun Jul 27 15:45:31 2003
Session Ident: Surge[Clanless]
[15:45] Session Ident: Surge[Clanless] (~surge@[-SoP-]Surge.users.progameplayer.com)
[15:45] Surge[Clanless]> this game isnt about winning... its about having fun to me
[15:45] Surge[Clanless]> if you want to win go to V3
[15:45] x-Rah> yes thats fine
[15:45] x-Rah> but my point is SoP is not having fun
[15:45] x-Rah> cuz we point the finger at everyone else in a loss
[15:46] x-Rah> Fuck v3
[15:46] Surge[Clanless]> no.. thats where your wrong
[15:46] x-Rah> SoP is where we should be focusing
[15:46] Surge[Clanless]> you want to win
[15:46] Surge[Clanless]> go join V3
[15:46] x-Rah> no
[15:46] Surge[Clanless]> i want to have fun
[15:46] Surge[Clanless]> i joined SoP to have fun
[15:46] Surge[Clanless]> and we always had fun
[15:46] x-Rah> it's not fun when all we do is point the finger after a loss
[15:46] Surge[Clanless]> we never had these problems till V3 came around
[15:46] Surge[Clanless]> thats why its not fun
[15:46] x-Rah> or hell IN THE GAME on ts
[15:46] x-Rah> but y
[15:46] x-Rah> V3 plays their way
[15:47] Surge[Clanless]> because they destroyed our community
[15:47] Surge[Clanless]> they destroyed everything fun
[15:47] x-Rah> it's not illegal...they don't cheat
[15:47] Surge[Clanless]> you dont get it
As I said Surge I don't speak without facts...and you've contradicted yourself at least 3 times. So blame me...blame V3...blame the community. I'm cool with that. But you also need to take a hard look at yourself because "the community" you supposed care so much about is now taking a hard look at you.

Last edited by RahSun on 28-09-2003 23:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Blaaguuu »




aw, let the man play.



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Post by Xelent »

LOL!! I didnt know Surge was Lithinite, now i know why that guy sucked so much. I think he was the fat kid even under an alias. :)
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Post by InSaNe`DB »

Ah yes idd the same old Surge always pointing out everyones mistakes.

Ok first of Surge we have lost and have won many times, we lost to |PW| (who can forget 13-5 :D ), \vW\ (9-6 who can forget?) and we lost to RusH blue in a league match, you think because we used to win a lot means we always win nope, we suck right now and lost interest in DB like most people.
Actually in all honesty Rah, i quit SoP cause you suck shit at keeping and made us lose practically every game we played doing stupid shit outside your Pbox.

You say that Rah sucks you're wrong rah can own your ass in net I helped him and lots of other people helped him in net as well. On a 1v1 most of the time Rah's gonna own your ass isn't that right :) Plus every keeper has their own method of keeping, don't like the way they play, why don't you take a shot in net and get raped in the ass and know how it feels like before pointing out other peoples mistakes.
This wasnt the reason i left NADB though. I told you why. DB isn't very fun any longer unless your on a good competative team. Solution? Well since fuck faces like you, Adren, Mael, Dirt, Xelent, and a few others seem to get this impressing that i'm satan i said fuck it and aliased under the very first name i ever played under when i played DB in 1.1 and 1.2.

I thought you played because you wanted to have fun. If you want to have fun you play anyways well even I confuse myself here but if you play DB to have fun you should always play since it is a fun game, it's fun to play in both euro and NA servers, you get to see different playing methods and that seems fun enough for me. Adren Mael Dirt Xelent all think you're Satan because... Well you whine, moan, complain just about everything on the face of this earth. Even you said it yourself don't complain about free things and then again you constantly complain about this mod. You also want to get rid of us ([V3]) one way or another because you're scared of competition, and since you want to be in a competitive clan you want to own in other words, if there isn't anyone to own you then there is no fun in playing right? Mind if I sound like I'm boasting just telling what I feel :D
After playing 2 games i get back into the NS private channel (after being greeted by dirt AND mael who didnt know or care who i was) and who else but Adren does a whole fucking background check on me with DevNull. Its amazing how Adren, or should i say Crimson, or should i say... oh hell, i forget all your puck-bitch aliases, brings it to full steam that I am Surge and i should be kicked out. Afterwards I was PM'd a few times and lied through my teeth about my identity untill i figure out all the NS guys are all talking to eachother in some random channel and giving out my IP's and shit.

Wouldn't you think they'd do a background check? Some guy who is half decent who can play offense decently comes and plays DB out of no where? Any person would be suspicous. Oh yeah and Adren uses different names when he goes to another clan he even says that he's adren. In L7 he used adren, in Pì he used Crimson, everone knew who he was, he even said it, thats not an alias, and in -NS- he used cYcLoNe (I gave him the capital letters duh :D ) but I got him to use Adren and he uses that now.. Do don't try to make him look bad by saying he uses aliases as well.

To this I finally dip my hat to you Rah, Helmetboy. Each and every thing i said in both of those statements is completely accurate. I said the game was frustrating. I was that game wasnt very fun. It sure as hell wasnt when i went by Surge. When i was Lith i kept my mouth closed, stayed under the radar, and only came under suspicion of being an alias after kicking a bunch of defenders asses. Its amazing how I'v had this talent at DB all along and can play so well with other people but becuase I'm Surge, and because I'm an asshole, for which reason i still dont know why, probably for responding to bullshit like this, and not taking other peoples shit most likely.

Ah who is to blame that when people see the name "Surge" they think of you as an asshole? No one is to blame, the only person TO blame is yourself, your constant whining on these forums gave you that title and you have no right to use that as a defense.

Better watch your backs. Never know when i might come back you paranoid fuckface. I just might be the best new attacker your clan ever had.

:lol: lmfao hahahahahahhahahahahahahah. Yeah uh huh, you'd really get into another clan knowing that most people know that Surge is on teh lose using an alias.... Note that Lithinite was good, but no where near as good as the attackers in NA db kthx

My long essay is almost finished :)

[15:46] Surge[Clanless]> we never had these problems till V3 came around
[15:46] Surge[Clanless]> thats why its not fun
[15:46] x-Rah> or hell IN THE GAME on ts
[15:46] x-Rah> but y
[15:46] x-Rah> V3 plays their way
[15:47] Surge[Clanless]> because they destroyed our community
[15:47] Surge[Clanless]> they destroyed everything fun
[15:47] x-Rah> it's not illegal...they don't cheat
[15:47] Surge[Clanless]> you dont get it

You don't get it either, you're just a stereotypical person... You blame us for everything, community dies it's because V3 formed... I couldn't take a shit my asshole was too small V3 did it... My gf didn't wanna have sex with me because my penis was too small what're you gonna do blame us for everything? Go hide in a corner I'll be you'll have better purpose there than on these forums and DB -_-
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Post by Xelent »

InSaNe`DB wrote: I couldn't take a shit my asshole was too small V3 did it...

Well ok, maybe we DID do that one... but I dont see how that is relevant to DB. :ban:
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

Db is only fun for Surge if he's winning. Too many Nike and No Fear ads I guess...