baaad 1.9 (and 1.8)
Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One
in whole i like the replays...this ones after a goal are superb [ although if they are laggey and if u throw it looks wierd]
but the ones after a whole match ...
Its okay in pickup...of DBL ...
but on publics it suxx...
there is a score of 20-10 sometimes [often higher] and then u should watch this?
btw it doesnt take my Vote to Skip
but the ones after a whole match ...
Its okay in pickup...of DBL ...
but on publics it suxx...
there is a score of 20-10 sometimes [often higher] and then u should watch this?
btw it doesnt take my Vote to Skip

Well, this only started like 2 weeks ago or something:
Sometimes, I can't hear soundeffects, so, I get hit, without hearing it, which can be rather irritating.
Or some1 shoots the ball away, which I don't hear (this is also in nice combination with the ball showing up 0.2 seconds late).
Again, I'm sure its not my connection, I have no problems with any other mode (unless I'm lagged like hell).
It has been made clear that DeathBall asks a lot more from servers then other modes, (it lags more, and u need "stronger" servers or else they will crash), and I think that in the comming versions there should be thought of stuff to reduce lag (if possible).
Last edited by Capital_G on 03-11-2003 21:37, edited 1 time in total.
made the same experience...
if i play on public servers it sux like hell you pushed the button early enough but you catch the ball instead of volleying and it isnt running very smooth....
the ball warps more then flying smooth...
and ping is about 10-20 ms more worse
if i play other mods for example frag ops i have ping 100 with 16 people on uk server...
here i have 130 with 10 people
and no its not my connection tracert pings and pings in other games are still the same as before

if i play on public servers it sux like hell you pushed the button early enough but you catch the ball instead of volleying and it isnt running very smooth....
the ball warps more then flying smooth...
and ping is about 10-20 ms more worse

if i play other mods for example frag ops i have ping 100 with 16 people on uk server...
here i have 130 with 10 people

and no its not my connection tracert pings and pings in other games are still the same as before

That pause you are all talking about started about 3 weeks ago, before the release of 1.9. I am not sure how wide spread it is but I started getting the same issue after I had a week of unusually high pings on all servers near and far, my ping at that time would climb to as much as 2000. That would have been around October 14. Looking for any solution, I reinstalled UT, bonus packs from epic and DE, Brightskins, v2225 patch, and deathball 1.8. At first I didnt notice the pause because I wasnt playing on servers where click was required, playing pubs. Before the reinstall, playing pick up games where click was required, I didn't have any pausing. I hate when you are typing before game and it stutters causing you to sometimes misspell words.
I deffinately noticed a huge difference playing today. it felt like slow motion, perhapse i need to upgrade my computer to play 1.9?
my only theory was the method the server uses to record the game to have replays is making the server lag the game for the players so the ping might look fine but its still coming out gimp ::shrugs:: i dunno but on my favorite server its not running shitty for me :<
my only theory was the method the server uses to record the game to have replays is making the server lag the game for the players so the ping might look fine but its still coming out gimp ::shrugs:: i dunno but on my favorite server its not running shitty for me :<