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Posted: 13-11-2003 20:57
by Coffin
You could lose the skymap it doesnt really add much to the level as the barriers do enough by themselves

Posted: 14-11-2003 00:00
by Scotteh

Posted: 14-11-2003 00:42
by Coffin
great work on the radar looks better

Posted: 14-11-2003 09:47
by Armagon
Good work with the radar, I only have one more suggestion. It would be good if you optimised the level a bit. I noticed that is doesn't run as smoothly as it could do, given how little of the map you actually see at one time. The best way to go about this would be to add some anti-portals.

If this is something you are unfamiliar with, you can learn how about it here:

Posted: 04-12-2003 19:59
by Armagon
Because I haven't actually played this map before, I'd like to set up a DBW server some time (seeing as lag isn't really a large factor in DBW), so that I can playtest it. If a few people would help me in this task, it would be much appreciated. Of course if there is already a public DBW server that has it on, then please point me in the right direction.

Posted: 04-12-2003 20:11
by Scotteh
its on the lunarlander server

Posted: 04-12-2003 20:18
by Armagon
Thanks, I'll take a look at it later.