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Posted: 23-12-2003 09:43
by Axl
My work desktop
Posted: 23-12-2003 10:16
by Dazlin
Desktop with stuff open u_U
Posted: 23-12-2003 10:18
by Dazlin
Desktop clean o/
Posted: 23-12-2003 11:49
by f1end
I'm @ work, so it's my work macs desktop....ph34r my resoloution
Posted: 23-12-2003 12:48
by Mayer.hun
Posted: 23-12-2003 12:56
by BurntLeaf
Posted: 23-12-2003 13:42
by Dazlin
f1end wrote:
I'm @ work, so it's my work macs desktop....ph34r my resoloution
Y have you got an eatshit jpg at work... isnt that a bit dangerous?
Posted: 23-12-2003 14:14
by SuBBy
Always funny to see the odd witty comment by DavidM and a few others stating "oh desktop thread number 5" or whatever. If you read the first comment posted by myself you would see that i don't visit the forums that often and wouldn't know if you needed a desktop thread and yet you still post your dekstop pic.

Posted: 23-12-2003 14:31
by Instigator
Posted: 23-12-2003 15:05
by GoldenGun
Posted: 23-12-2003 15:08
by GoldenGun
if u want the l33t 3dg Wallpapper
Posted: 23-12-2003 15:51
by f1end
Dazlin wrote:
Y have you got an eatshit jpg at work... isnt that a bit dangerous?
So I can send it to the IT department when they tell me to stop browsing teh DB forums...
anyway, u should see some of the other stuff I have stashed away in an encrypted folder

...can u say "sackable offence"
Posted: 23-12-2003 17:02
by Maegrim
why would i ever want an BUTT UGLY wallpaper like that? o_O
Posted: 23-12-2003 17:16
by GoldenGun
Posted: 23-12-2003 17:25
by -plær-
dual tft owns