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Posted: 28-07-2006 20:20
by Apphex
Are you guys trying to make me jealous by talking about those levels that are light-years ahead of where I am?
At this rate(about one level a month), I won't be there until May 2008!

Posted: 30-07-2006 15:04
by Shenmue
Why don't you see it this way; the longer you are stuck on a level, the funnier it is to solve it. Imagine how satisfying it will be for you once you get this one, that is, as long as you don't cheat (not that I think you would).
I can even say with certainity that Notpron would be boring as hell if you solved every level immediately, cause that nice feeling would then totally dissapear, that feeling that makes it so fun, that feeling that made me solve it all, even though I am slow as hell.

Posted: 01-08-2006 00:03
by Apphex
Well said, Shenmue! Bravo
I am also slow as hell. But that feeling I get (\o/ ) when I solve a level is undescribable, priceless, and irreplaceable.
For example, when I passed level minus 32 after working on it for a little over a month, I felt REEEEEEEEaly good for about three days. I was walking around smiling like a retard (:D ) asking everybody to "Guess what I did?" !
Posted: 08-08-2006 01:06
by Apphex
I solved it! (not really) ~ I am the button - because I am completely f*cking lost!
(you know - "We lost a button..." hardee har harrrrrrr)
Posted: 08-08-2006 06:46
by Kisa
Oh, a philosophical approach

Won't help you though I'm afraid

Posted: 12-08-2006 00:14
by jamged

It's been weeks and I've only found one thing.....I realize a difference, but have no idea how to put what I see into words in the URL:eek:
Is there anyone, ANYONE at all that I can PM? Even if only to go over what I've found?
~Jamie G.
Posted: 12-08-2006 06:05
by Kisa
Well ... sure ... but I won't be able to reply today ...
Posted: 12-08-2006 20:04
by jamged
Heh ok!:)
Thank you so very much. I think I can wait a day or two, as I've been stuck here a few weeks by now....Plus, it'll give me more time to mull over it myself
~Jamie G.

Inbox is full...guess I'll wait....
Posted: 12-08-2006 21:00
by meep98324
you can pm me if you want.
Posted: 12-08-2006 22:03
by jamged
Thanks a bunch!
~Jamie G.
Posted: 13-08-2006 13:56
by Kisa
Yeah, that happens if some people have to PM everything twice ... Unfortunately, those guys in the lower levels don't trust this forum and seemingly have to send everything more than once

Posted: 13-08-2006 21:24
by jamged
Heh-heh no I said, I'm in no hurry here....
~Jamie G.
Posted: 13-08-2006 21:50
by snackbar
I know I sure don't trust this site. It's lies, all of it. The alternate answer to every level is nannerhammer.htm or un: supersized pass: anchelada
Posted: 10-11-2006 15:08
by Nic
Kisa, will you be my very very close friend? :p
I'm starting this one now

Posted: 04-12-2006 08:42
by Sh|ra
Ok, I just lost the little piece of mental health I had left. I've transfered into a button, I've thought low and high.
*phew* I need a tiny break... to break this riddle