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Posted: 14-10-2005 22:24
by jpaiva2000
What happened to the Deathball 2.4? No players...why? Deathball is dying very fast. Servers who ask for password also do not help the DB. Noobs dont have any support. On last days i only found empty servers. I found old DB people playing on another UT2004 mods. R.I.P. Deathball...
Posted: 15-10-2005 00:01
by The_One
I am intrigued by your comments and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Posted: 16-10-2005 19:49
by StRaFe
Sleep now

Posted: 24-10-2005 03:05
by overon
So is there anyone else that can step forward and code db 2.4?
Posted: 24-10-2005 15:31
by Messy
overon wrote:
So is there anyone else that can step forward and code db 2.4?
Oh I know! I know!
Weisso and Croaker?

Oh wait..they're already working on it
Result: a sexy new version of the beta
---> ... id=&style=
Posted: 24-10-2005 15:36
by `Ghost`
New models done yet?
joke X_x
Posted: 26-10-2005 02:34
by InSaNe`
Don't expect it to be.. Just run Cat's mutator and all should be good.
Posted: 26-10-2005 12:22
by `Ghost`
Posted: 04-12-2005 15:27
by Chemist
I think David knows wat he is doing and it will get better for everyone aventually... just dont over do it

Posted: 19-12-2005 22:40
by Da Spadger
Question about 2.4: How do i disable the heavy smoke that appears when the ball is flying extremely fast? It looks nice, but it kills my FPS. X_x
Posted: 19-12-2005 23:38
by fb.shev
put everything on low