Rage; Think i did it, here is how to install it...
Before u start, make a backup of your existing map...
1) Download map file in the attachment
2) Open it with unrealed
3) In the Group Browser, select the group "Allparts" or Click in main window on "Select all actors"
4) Click "Copy Selected" or Ctrl+C
5) Open your map file
6) remove now the 4 rockets in your existing map (not the emitters, just the movers)
7) Now "Paste" the items you got copied out of my map (Ctrl+V)
Should be positioned @ right places
Save ur new map and fire your UT2003 game. Should do the effect you like.
Hadn't time to fix the emitters, but if u do not get rid of them, link them not to the rockets (link them to the tags "Wurfel1, Wurfel2, Wurfel3 or Wurfel4") and let the emitters die after 2 seconds. Think that works, because letting them as they are didn't work for me...
Hope i could help
P.S. Do not change ANYTHING on the cubical construction i did to realize this all, just a a small change caused that none of the rockets worked @ me, so my suggestion, leave them as they are =)
If you wanna change time rockets reappear, ask me and i say how it works, but please do not change on your own
now having tea time ....