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Posted: 27-10-2003 12:08
by GreyFox
keep up the good work !

Posted: 27-10-2003 12:52
by TEZC-Rage
Well to get it into 1.9 (or any other release) i gotta do a couple of things, which are :-

1) make everything unlit. Image

2) get some better textures.

So anyone that thinks they can make/get me some 'comic/cartoon' textures, it'd be grat to hear from ya.

Posted: 27-10-2003 14:20
by UnrealKrake
TEZC-Rage wrote: UnrealKrake, can you have a go in my map? see if you can get it to work?

Sorry for my late answer (was on vacation) I thought of the problem about 4 hours but: Good News guys, i did it :) It was very very hard, because movers don't be able to be attached to each other if both move (stupid bug, should be reported to EPIC :)). The only chance to solve this problem was that one mover is allowed to move, the other one only rotates. I think i did it (one rocket seems to work) if you want it, i fix the other rockets too, and send you the map with the fixed rockets. I will fix every rocket and give you the answer if it works or not...

Posted: 27-10-2003 15:27
by UnrealKrake
TEZC-Rage wrote:
1) make everything unlit. Image

O_o looks awesome :lol:

btw. tried 2 rockets and it works (maybe emitters don't work right, if not, i will give u instructions how to get them workin by timing them)

I like this map more and more that's why i try to help you =)

Posted: 27-10-2003 16:20
by UnrealKrake
Rage; Think i did it, here is how to install it...

Before u start, make a backup of your existing map...

1) Download map file in the attachment
2) Open it with unrealed
3) In the Group Browser, select the group "Allparts" or Click in main window on "Select all actors"
4) Click "Copy Selected" or Ctrl+C
5) Open your map file
6) remove now the 4 rockets in your existing map (not the emitters, just the movers)
7) Now "Paste" the items you got copied out of my map (Ctrl+V)
8) Should be positioned @ right places

Save ur new map and fire your UT2003 game. Should do the effect you like.

Hadn't time to fix the emitters, but if u do not get rid of them, link them not to the rockets (link them to the tags "Wurfel1, Wurfel2, Wurfel3 or Wurfel4") and let the emitters die after 2 seconds. Think that works, because letting them as they are didn't work for me...

Hope i could help :)

P.S. Do not change ANYTHING on the cubical construction i did to realize this all, just a a small change caused that none of the rockets worked @ me, so my suggestion, leave them as they are =)

If you wanna change time rockets reappear, ask me and i say how it works, but please do not change on your own ;) now having tea time ....

Posted: 27-10-2003 16:28
by GoldenGun
yarr its really good :D

Posted: 27-10-2003 17:29
by TEZC-Rage
cheers UnrealKrake. Will look @ it soon :D

Posted: 27-10-2003 18:23
by UnrealKrake
One or two additions:

Maybe not only to let the rockets "popping" up, a simple emitter could be added that will overlay the rocket for a moment so that it looks like it is teleported into the level (or maybe just a "Plopp" or "Bam" sheet infront of them would do the same)

When rock is hitting the floor, maybe some sort of "earthquake effect" would fit in....

P.S. I think of a solution for ya "Rock" problem (the stay time)... have an idea, but not quite sure if it works. I will try it maybe tomorrow when i have time if you like.

Posted: 28-10-2003 00:31
by TEZC-Rage
already thought of the earthquake effect... the earthquake effect was removed in UT1... and screenshake doesn't work online or in behind view :'(

Posted: 28-10-2003 03:33
by Armagon
Yeah, I wanted to use the earthquake in DB-Chamber, whenever a goal was scored. But I ended up finding that it didn't work online. :'(

Posted: 28-10-2003 08:32
by UnrealKrake
An idea for an earthquake effect:

Build an invisible mover as big as your floor is and let it go up and down very often (use the 8 keyframes) in a short time (maybe moving time 0.2 sec). Change the moving height of this mover (the first key, second = same height as 0, third, 4th = same height as 0 ....) and be sure mover uses this keypoint constellation: 1 is higher than 3>5>7 Didn't try it but maybe it does an effect which comes close to an earthquake

Other idea:

Make the whole level a mover and let it "rumble" :lol:

Posted: 30-10-2003 19:16
by TEZC-Rage
well... think i'm just gonna wait until 1.9 is released before i do anymore work on this... well on effects etc..

was testing some stuff last night and forgot to revert back to 1.8 when watching a replay it showed the rock in it's fallen place as the replay starts... kinda of a bugger really...

So i'm gonna sit down and work on the textures for a while :p at least my last version wasn't so buggy :D

Posted: 30-10-2003 20:28
by Twigstir
The goal effects from cube show in the replay as well. I'd bug DavidM about it. This will effect a lot of maps and looks like crap.

Posted: 01-11-2003 13:54
by TEZC-Rage
well started workin on it again now 1.9 is out... and i can say that 1.9 has ruined most of the goal effects... apart from the 'kaboom' goal effect :/

But new textures...


Posted: 02-11-2003 01:05
by Twigstir
I think it looks better.