Poll Hardest level to pass

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, amh

yes or no?

dunno tbh!
Total votes: 23

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Post by anand »

LOL haha thats right
you can see me talkin about 63 above tooooooooooo..hehe
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Post by DarkRyNo »

Yeah, i've kinda been taking the occasional look for the best part of a year.
I just haven't got the resolve to do the massive effort to solve it.
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Post by Shenmue »

This has nothing to do with the thread, but I wonder, i, Spam in your sig, does that stand for the boring levels?
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Post by i »

Shenmue wrote: This has nothing to do with the thread, but I wonder, i, Spam in your sig, does that stand for the boring levels?
more or less... levels without interesting ideas but rather requiring work, or unfair levels, or ones which are more confusing than interesting... but this is really subjective, of course. 38, for instance, is really obvious but requires either installing MSN or extensive googling; -33 is more or less experimenting around without any real clues or directions, so one comes up with the solution sooner or later but doesn't feel like having solved an intellectual riddle, and moreover, it is unfair. -10 is, imho, really obvious but a nuisance (though a pretty short one). the problem with 12 is pretty personal: i have serious difficulties with *see*ing this thing which everybody finds at the first sight, so for me it's just guessing around. maybe it's about my eyes... as for 76, i find a part of it greatly confusing without any good reason. i think that a few dead ends can make the riddle more funny (e. g. the phone in 22), but when the level is already confusing enough they are disturbing. i won't explain -6 and gamma, both are pretty clear... and i didn't add 52 and 74 because they are, inspite of the misleading parts, very good riddles.

hope the above didn't contain spoilers...
Last edited by i on 30-05-2006 12:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kisa »

38: Bit of googling was enough. The right keyword helps though.
-33 was easy, no experimenting :D
12: Shouldn't be an eye problem. Just an attention problem, I had the same :D
76 was a nice one, but maybe I should work on my hints on that ...
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Post by i »

Originally posted by Kisa
38: Bit of googling was enough.
was it? i was getting lots of pages where i could download some additionary [...], but this wouldn't help... maybe i didn't have "the right keyword". still, not quite a smart level...
Originally posted by Kisa
-33 was easy, no experimenting :D
depends on what you call "experimenting". i didn't know the corresponding piece of knowledge, so i was left with fiddling around with the data. a clue wouldn't be misplaced here... (and to be honest, i expected something more interested from a "not found" message; something relying on a deeper understanding of finding and not finding... you know, as in the more advanced davidm levels. but that's davidm: never doing what one would expect :D )
Originally posted by Kisa
12: Shouldn't be an eye problem. Just an attention problem, I had the same :D
i was imprecise about the eyes. it's a part of the IQ measuring system (one that drastically lowers my IQ... but i don't care).
Originally posted by Kisa
76 was a nice one, but maybe I should work on my hints on that ...

i was not talking about your hints... i was talking about (ok, now i'm going to say it loudly and proudly, it's not a spoiler since it has nothing to do with the solution) the dashed connections between some of the [...]. or do they have some significance?
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Post by Shenmue »

38: Boring
-33 Boring
12: Boring (Shouldn't be an eye problem, though)
76: The best level of them all.
-6: Extremely boring.
Gamma: Pretty fun.
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Post by i »

then i must have missed something in 76 and gamma... :(

and i do like the idea of 76... i don't like one confusing part as i said...
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Post by Shenmue »

Maybe, but it is a matter of taste ... I suppose.

And gamma was only pretty fun, I liked it, but it isn't on my favorite levels list. But maybe I should put it there. hmmm. I'll think about it.

I hated -40, by the way. :)
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Post by i »

-40 is very much a matter of taste, since it has a pretty stupid beginning and misleads... but i really like the way how it teaches you some interesting things...

much is a matter of taste and personal experience. from your list of best levels, i don't like 21, for instance, because it is heavily misplaced imho (it is way too hard for being number 21; i did it with a team and we had a pretty wrong strategy with much guessing). from your hard levels list, i don't find some levels hard at all - like 47, -32 or beta - but you will probably laugh about me finding 26, 74 or -24 difficult...

uhm, maybe a mod can move this discussion into the "best level" thread? (we are talking about quite the opposite, but still this would be more appropriate in that thread than here...)
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Post by Kisa »

Nope, the dashed lines aren't significant ... back then in that city, with the real map, I couldn't figure out what they meant either :D
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Post by Shenmue »

Well, I hate -40 becasue I am completely tone-deaf. It was a living hell for me. But maybe it exists an easier way to solve it than the way I did. :)

Yeah, 21 was a bit misplaced, but that doesn't make it boring. It is one of my favorites. And actually I think that level 8 is harder than it, but that is just because I suck at computers.

I wonder why you don't have 40 on your spam list, since it is totally pointless? :)

I would also like to have a "most boring levels list", but since I don't want to offend anyone who created that specific level, I skipped it. :)
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Post by i »

Originally posted by Shenmue
Well, I hate -40 becasue I am completely tone-deaf. It was a living hell for me. But maybe it exists an easier way to solve it than the way I did. :)
huh? i didn't use my ears during that level... i feared i will have to for the first moment, but then i tried something and it perfectly worked. on the other hand, if you really succeeded to do it with your ears, then you must be less tone-deaf then me...
Originally posted by Shenmue
Yeah, 21 was a bit misplaced, but that doesn't make it boring. It is one of my favorites. And actually I think that level 8 is harder than it, but that is just because I suck at computers.
i did hackit before notpron, so level 8 was very easy for me. i didn't even understand the meaning of "JAY PACK"... and i didn't say 21 was boring, it was indeed cool but it is misplaced.
Originally posted by Shenmue
I wonder why you don't have 40 on your spam list, since it is totally pointless? :)
it is, but it doesn't steal much time. 43 would be worse then (i did it at a moment when the server was somehow lame, and it took me about 15 minutes to download the stuff...).
Originally posted by Shenmue
I would also like to have a "most boring levels list", but since I don't want to offend anyone who created that specific level, I skipped it. :)
hmm, i don't think it is that offensive. the smartest people have not only great ideas. at least i wouldn't be offended if my level was called spam or boring. (well, it's empty talk now as i can't contribute levels...)

@kisa: indeed, and they are confusing like hell!
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Post by Kisa »

-40: Sure. Software :)

21: Nobody ever said that levels CONSTANTLY increase hardness :D

Btw, moved :D
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Post by Shenmue »

Yeah, of course I used a software for -40, the problem is that it wasn't very reliable. :)
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