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Posted: 14-06-2005 18:46
by FeEdiKo
yay paladin :D stopped playing mine after 4 level... they suck

well, once you're 60 the game is very fun (if you have a good guild): Onyxia, molten core (get's boring after a few runs though) and huge pvp-fights (battlegrounds) \o/

Posted: 14-06-2005 18:50
by GreyFox
i have played all that shit and ctf should only be played in q3 tbh

Posted: 14-06-2005 19:09
by FeEdiKo
ah well, go play deathball and q3 then :eek:

Posted: 14-06-2005 22:57
by GazMaN
thx for link Greyfox,

Heres a crappy pic of lucifron. Killed him on our first full raid.

We did molten core night before, but it was more a quick look around, as we only had 30 or so ppl, and a few low lvs.

After killing luci, we wiped good and proper on magmagay, not enuff tranq shots, and it was everyones first attempt , so tactics sucked :)

Posted: 15-06-2005 15:23
by Messy
How is WoW 'without no' skill? ò_Ó

Oh well, I'm enjoying it thoroughly, even though I'm only level 46 ¬_¬ (ps: the 'social life'-argument clearly doesn't apply to me \o/)

ps: Grey; what'd I do? ò_Ó I never double post and I always at least say something semi-valuable (or at least not under the level the thread was previously brought to :)). So if it can't be spam, what did I really do that makes me so repulsively annoying to you? Just curious :eek:

Posted: 15-06-2005 16:15
by GreyFox
you usually spammed a lot on irc and as well in db, sometimes just mid game you would just stop playing and start writing this random sentences. i found this to be quite annoying since i was playing keeper and you were playing sweeper and just suddenly when the enemy had the ball you started to type random shit (which ended up with a 1v1 situation or more). and this happened more than once

ill explain what i mean about WoW being a game without any real skills. games such as a fps game or a rts game requires a lot of skills. in most fps games you have to master the following to become good at it : movement, timing , aiming, prediction, tactics. ofc there are more stuff, like weapons, maps and stuff like that, but we will ignore that for now. and to master all of these things are ofc hard and takes a long time.

in WoW, your fate is decided by your level, your items and if u are lucky or not. by now, most people here probably know that gaining levels aint that hard in wow, it is just a mather of how much time you put into the game. unlike diablo2 , where it was a lot harder to gain good items, because it required you to do A LOT of solo boss runs (since gold was not used for trading) anyone in WoW can get their hands on good items, ofc this is what blizzard wants and what most people want.

the last thing, perhaps the most important reason why WoW is not a game with skills, is the random factor. unlike fps games where its your own fault if you miss your shot, the hit system in WoW is based on randomness, you have a certain % to hit. you have a certain chance to hit, and a certain % to miss. and all the battles pretty much looks the same, you spot the enemy , run towards him, click on him and using your diffrent spells and so on. its all random i tell ya... you really dont have a chance to change the outcome of a duel in WoW, they all pretty much the same (and probably most of you do the same stuff in every battle)

in a fps or rts, the outcome of a battle can drasticly change depending on what skills you have , for instances a lot of good warcraft 3 players have insane micro skills which can change the whole battle... you dont have that sort of stuff in WoW. ill be happy to give more examples / explain more if u want...

i admit that there are some basic skills in WoW, like planning your characters talents, if you put wrong it can screw things a lot, but then again most of you just copy others build and you can always pay some gold and redo your talents...

(and by the way, im not saying its just WoW being random at PvP , most rpg games that have PvP are more or less random)

Posted: 15-06-2005 16:52
by Messy
Some classes like hunters and warlocks really have to adapt to every class.
If I have the time to change my minion it would be a world of difference but I usually can't do this.

I have a shitload of spells and the only classes I have the same tactics on are warriors rogues, for lack of anything better.

Most people are just absolutely shite at the game and at duelling..and even at my level I can see that.
Although I don't mean to agree with you per se; WoW is pretty straight forward so far in both PvPing (eventually), levelling (through grinding) and questing, but I'm definitely having fun, regardless (or because) of my pace.

Besides, the majority of your arguments are against how most RPGs and their battle systems work.

As for the difference gained by skill..I don't see how you could ever say a difference in classes or even talents (and equipment, especially, as I can imagine, in the end-game) doesn't imply a drastic change in WoW o_O

Posted: 15-06-2005 17:11
by GreyFox
well its a good thing that you are having fun, probably the most important thing hehe.

items do make a drastic (probably the biggest) change in WoW, when you will reach the higher levels you will see that its all about the items really...

and well , anyone can become what is considered "good" on WoW (although i claim that there is no such thing in WoW). the battles are pretty much the same and i dont agree that a hunter or a warlock have to adapt each class. you pretty much more or less do the same thing against every class when you face the enemy

Posted: 15-06-2005 17:13
by Messy
GreyFox wrote: you pretty much more or less do the same thing against every class when you face the enemy attack them or run away.

There's a big difference in the way you attack them however, though maybe not for classes like rogues and paladins ;)

Posted: 15-06-2005 18:18
by RaGe|DB
I'm currently lvl 57, 10.000 xp to lvl 58, I havent played for a week.. and im rested till lvl 59..

I say we meet in the game one day, on burning blade ofcourse, no fighting, just having fun :)

tell me where and Ill be there

Posted: 15-06-2005 18:19
by RaGe|DB
Messy wrote: attack them or run away.

There's a big difference in the way you attack them however, though maybe not for classes like rogues and paladins ;)

either use DOTS, Ambush, stuns.. there is a way, 3 ways actually, and even then u can change ur style..

Posted: 15-06-2005 19:05
by Messy
DoTs only are hardly a viable tactic for rogues right?

Ok, you have poisons :D but any other dots? do they do any proper damage?

Ok, you can score with touchdowns in DB, but that doesn't mean it's a valid tactic to use for a full serious (clan)match.
DoTs for rogues are probably only reasonable in combination with other tactics (:

ps: I might be wrong though ¬_¬ am I? :)

Posted: 16-06-2005 16:00
by RaGe|DB
Messy wrote: DoTs only are hardly a viable tactic for rogues right?

Ok, you have poisons :D but any other dots? do they do any proper damage?

Ok, you can score with touchdowns in DB, but that doesn't mean it's a valid tactic to use for a full serious (clan)match.
DoTs for rogues are probably only reasonable in combination with other tactics (:

ps: I might be wrong though ¬_¬ am I? :)

you are, with talents dots are way more effective against i.e plate

the dots ignore the armor reduction, rupture gives 600 over 18 sec.. garrote some more I think + u can use some talents to make it very usefull.. :)

Posted: 16-06-2005 17:22
by FeEdiKo
azuregos down (first after buffpatch without exploiting)

you can easily see me, woobl and holy (laushalyn) are somewhere too :P

Posted: 16-06-2005 18:23
by [1234]Jr
Can see holy's name at the front, just under Levi's.

You should all come down to RFD so i can ninja-loot Robe of the Lich for you ;)

I still need new Mage-pants too :@

Was thinking These