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Posted: 11-08-2003 18:45
by Fallen
You all have it wrong. On qnet, it's #eatitnubcake
Come, hang out and you can try to challenge us to a friendly.
Posted: 12-08-2003 01:45
by InSaNe
Posted: 31-08-2003 04:05
by frostymoss
i didnt want to read through all 15 pages...but...surge you said v3 killed clans and got players like cordawg etc...v3 didnt kill wk n00b...get yo facts right bizatch.
Posted: 08-11-2007 23:35
by Crazn
yo whatsup
Posted: 16-11-2007 06:42
by InSaNe`
My penis.
Posted: 16-11-2007 07:04
by InSaNe`
Hot damn it's so nice reading this thread. Reminds me of the days where I used to be high 22 hours a day lmao.
But fucking hell, I miss this game =[
Posted: 15-01-2008 14:18
by mephistophel
fucking DeeZ nutz. it was either out with mates, or stay online with a power supply that cut out every 10 minutes because it couldnt handle geforce 2 and play DeeZ in a dbl match. like our 3rd ever match as AC||M, and i get dicked 34-2 or something. and we find out it was a bunch of laming clan whoring 'pros' in a nub league. great times.
Posted: 16-01-2008 18:40
by Morning*Star
i remember playing in deez once, tee hee
Posted: 17-01-2008 08:13
by Shinobi
Morning*Star wrote:
i remember playing in deez once, tee hee
Hey MS! we are back playing 2.3 db and we even have a new league going:
Join us in #radical with quakenet.
Posted: 17-01-2008 09:04
by Shinobi
Btw I just wasted an hour of my life...GG people whining about people who act like jerks when they win. What's new?
Posted: 18-01-2008 20:11
by Morning*Star
nice, dont think i could make the late night games again tho
might drop by sometime
Posted: 21-01-2008 01:32
by mephistophel
ms, you partly killed fb for stealing sina. and you played for deez. total awesome
Re: Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the D
Posted: 29-01-2019 02:44
by gnomeh
Holy hell, so surprised to find this forum still alive. Reflecting back on 2003 me was rough. Nobody can ever topple V3 and Deez though! Wish I could play a few more games as keeper... GGs guys. Hope anyone catching this has a pleasant rest of their life!