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Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 24-03-2015 04:21
by amh
Yes he does, just follow the directions and you'll get your Un/PWD. It may take a while. Also, it doesn't have to be money remember!

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 24-03-2015 05:36
by 636995
Thank you!

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 28-03-2015 08:02
by amh
-34 is now officially the toughest level for me so far. 5 weeks and nothing, not one goddamm thing. I found stuff related to a future level in my journey, but alas, zip for -34. Wow.
EDIT: Finally solved but not without assistance. Nasty nasty nasty level. The method by which the answer is found is pure Notpr0n, clever, inventive and enjoyable. Getting to the place where you apply the method however was torture; I really wonder if Mr M actually FORGOT to put a clue here !!

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 14-04-2015 00:10
by darkychao
That email is still active right? I sent the email a while ago but I haven't gotten a reply, It's probably just me being impatient, but I don't know...

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 16-04-2015 03:10
by amh
Yes, sometimes David gets back in a day, sometimes a month, just hang in there :)

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 18-04-2015 00:26
by DougM
That email is still active right? I sent the email a while ago but I haven't gotten a reply, It's probably just me being impatient, but I don't know...
If you haven't received a response yet I would forward your original email and politely ask if you have the right email address since you haven't heard anything back. I didn't get a response the first time, but with a small nudge I got a response and he was supportive/responsive at every other step (especially the last stage!)

Good Luck!

PS finding a partner who is working the same levels to bounce ideas against can be a real asset in the Greek letters range. While he frowns on people providing outright assistance at the later levels a small team appeared to be expected (or at least not discouraged) to 'beat' Notpron based on historical posts. I am not sure if I would have finished (at least not as quickly) without my partner. That said, the final level you have to go your separate collaboration is allowed. You will know when you hit that wall anyway.

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 18-04-2015 01:38
by amh
Are you a nu solver DougM?

edit: nvm, I just saw your comment on the nu level thread, congrats!

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 24-04-2015 21:18
by darkychao
Oh, my god.
I feel really dumb, I'm not even sure how this happened, but... somehow when changing "teamvortex ät gmail dot com" to the actual email I chopped the "c" in "com", and evidently "" isn't a real thing but it did eat my email and I didn't get a failure notice...
Whelp, I guess i'm going to resend that email then.

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 25-04-2015 01:32
by amh

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 25-04-2015 02:35
by darkychao
After sending the email properly it only took a mater of maybe 3 minutes for him to respond.

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 25-04-2015 02:40
by amh
Cool! Onward and upward darkychao! Good luck!

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 15-06-2015 17:35
by saberkiwi
Finally. At. Long. Last. *happy sigh*

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 16-06-2015 08:54
by amh
Grats saberkiwi !!

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 23-11-2015 18:40
by Kappei


More than that actually to pass this damn level... Just because I didn't think about searching EVERYWHERE.

Oh well, at least I can go on now.

Re: Level MINUS 34

Posted: 23-11-2015 18:46
by amh
Yeah Kappei, -34 was the hardest level for me. Grats :)