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Posted: 18-02-2005 20:09
by Inphidel
^^^ ? ?? ? ? ? ? ^^^
-- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P
Posted: 24-02-2005 19:01
by InSaNe`
So how much more time? Not rushing or anything, just would like to know the ETA.
Posted: 25-02-2005 00:22
by `Ghost`
Inphidel wrote:
^^^ ? ?? ? ? ? ? ^^^
-- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P
not a bad idea actually o:
Posted: 25-02-2005 21:42
by Sixty
overon wrote:
So David M any news about the progress of 2.4 that you care to share with your beloved deciples [ us

Good, unanswered question above.
Posted: 26-02-2005 11:34
by Da Spadger
Idea: Maybe adding possibility to have the hammer in the center?

Posted: 26-02-2005 18:34
by uberslacker
-- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P
Inph.... own idea. DavidM do it NOW kthx.
Posted: 04-03-2005 00:47
by InSaNe`
We're waiting patiently.. at least most of us.
Posted: 04-03-2005 12:25
by {UFO}Viper
Inphidel wrote:
-- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P
Wow that's actually a pretty good idea. First good one I've heard in a long time. :p
Posted: 05-03-2005 16:27
by Holy_Surfing
I'm waiting for DB 2.4 as well. It seems like forever since we've had a few version.
Please try asap, 2.3 is getting boring because we've been playing it for quite some time now.
We don't really need 2.4, just 2.3b, with anti-spam (all the lil whore kid things ye know about)

Posted: 11-03-2005 06:03
by overon
They are taking a break. I don't mind though sometimes when people take breaks it results in them abandoning things. I hope that doesn't happen.
Posted: 30-03-2005 22:08
by StRaFe
Holy_Surfing wrote:
We don't really need 2.4, just 2.3b, with anti-spam (all the lil whore kid things ye know about)
Heh you funny holy. What arsenal have you got in your locker exactly that sets you aside from the whore kid thingy?
Take a back seat, im driving this shit.l
Posted: 04-04-2005 23:50
by InSaNe`
A break sounds like an ok idea but this would be the only exception.
We were REALLY waiting on 2.4, and when you said "we're taking a break" it was like a stab in the heart. This is directed towards DavidM.
How much longer is this "break" gonna last?
Posted: 05-04-2005 08:49
by xiller8r
StRaFe wrote:
Heh you funny holy. What arsenal have you got in your locker exactly that sets you aside from the whore kid thingy?
Take a back seat, im driving this shit.l
I know i've not been around for a while, but you can trust me to come back and point out that you still can't use english very well strafe:P
Locker and arsenal would be the same thing in this case:P
What MOVE or TECHNIQUE have you got in your locker/arsenal would have been better:P
Anyway, see you in another 3 months.
Posted: 06-04-2005 00:41
by Holy_Surfing
StRaFe wrote:
Heh you funny holy. What arsenal have you got in your locker exactly that sets you aside from the whore kid thingy?
Take a back seat, im driving this shit.l
lol kiss my ass pal, i never use bounce and volley even if it makes a sure goal. you on the other hand, can only use that. do us a favor and drop dead, or go learn to play deathball like it was meant to be played..
Originally posted by xiller8r
Anyway, see you in another 3 months.
Posted: 06-04-2005 22:02
by StRaFe
lol holy half the shit i do you cant even do in your dreams mate.
You dont use bounce? like fuck you dont, everyone does imo. Sorry but you must be watching another game/player.
Everything about deathball i own you 10 times over....You know this is true so in future just agree..
Deathball is changing mate and so are the players, get with the times please
ps. Without being big headed..because i never am
ta, Sam