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Post by dildo »

The shattered hand - gnome mage lvl 42 and NE priest lvl 12
how do you guys lvl so fast?? :(
got my mount at end lvl 40 and now got around 30 gold me thinks, 2 bad i noticed your server 2 late, mayb i could do horde side there :)
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Post by RaGe|DB »

[1234]Jr wrote: I unlike you

^ Quality

lol, I just had the best wow time ever I think..

Feediko told me to go there again, he was there too, so I killed the hunter, he ressed the hunter, I killed the hunter etc..

Then another rogue lvl 60 and a rogue lvl 57 came. I beated the rogue lvl 60, the hunter and died at the lvl 57 (used pods) so feediko told me over mirc he had a guildy coming.

It was 3 vs 1 again (and I got MC-ed by the priest) then feediko healed me and I fought more xD

I got healed by horde to fight horde. Lovely

the best part was when I took my MC helmet, mc-ed the lvl 57 rogue and fee owned him in 2 hits :p
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Post by Messy »

Isil is in that picture! omg

"Isil has gone offline"

edit; Horde shammies can heal alliance? o_O
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Under Horde MC they are friendly targets, so can be healed.

Like a Horde under Alliance MC cant be attacked.
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Post by Isil »

Bah, yesterday I came across this "Finegirl" As far as I know also a farmer. She's an ud rogue, please rape them all :<
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Post by RaGe|DB »

position? and ill come, I happen to nkow her from previous encounters and she doesnt seem skilled o_O
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Post by Messy »

Azshara, northern part at the blood elves camp. I've seen her every day I was there. If you need MC help, I'd be happy to join (together with Fee or any other randomly picked 60 :>)
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Post by Capital_G »

Maha, rogues are always so funny.... ... #post45611
Read it, and roll on the floor laughing.

nerf hunters, yeap, overpowered class I tell you.
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Post by Isil »

" rogues got soooooooooooooooooooooo nerfed in the last patches HUNTERS ARE LAME PPL"

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Post by Messy »

Warlocks need to be nerfed too!

They're way too powerful! :<

I mean omg..they might be able to seduce or fear you for a full 15 seconds! and shit, if their dots or nukes - what do they think we'll do? play with them doing no damage? - won't hurt them..they can control you forever!

..For this reason Blizzard gave seduce and fear a nerfing stick some patches ago, gg! Diminishing returns are shared now ò_Ó

Still..polymorph can stay on for 50 seconds :s and rogues can do massive amounts of damage and their stuns - which can be changed - won't come off :|

..I'm still a bit pissed about this thing -.- I'm not saying they should nerf the other classes too - or instead of us -, but why take the weakest class in PvP (fact) and nerf it for reasons that apply to the strongest PvP (solo) classes too? O_o ... #post14285 for reference.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

you're gonna be buffed a shitload next patch o_O
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Post by FeEdiKo »

buff shamans tbh!
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Post by Capital_G »

Warlocks own me.....some times (shadow priest)

Shadow resistance, shadow shield....that annoying felhound.


Priests get a nice buff too or so I've read....shadowform on mount makes me so much less vulnerable.

Pluss it'd be awesome to have a shadowpriest on an undead epic mount :D
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Post by Holy_Surfing »

hahaha :D

Rage and Fee, good job guys ^^

on the factions war side, been having fun pissing off the ally's strongest players and all their 9 priests and paladins:

they hate me right now. but on the other hand, they barely deserve the honor they get in WG, all they do is... zerg?

If i had more time, i'd be their rank (13) and deserve it.
Last edited by Holy_Surfing on 12-07-2005 17:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FeEdiKo »

they suck so hard >_<

doing /afk all the time when they face our guild group in WG... bah!