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Posted: 16-10-2006 16:10
by Kisa
sure, but hurry, I'm about to go
Posted: 16-10-2006 16:16
by Shenmue
You should try PMing a doctor instead....
Posted: 16-10-2006 16:16
by Kisa
Posted: 16-10-2006 16:17
by DarkGoon
don't tempt me

Posted: 16-10-2006 16:27
by DarkGoon
those (...) are killing me!!!!
is it possible that it is so simple that i can't understand it?
Posted: 16-10-2006 17:47
by Kisa
It is very simple. Maybe you just overlooked it ...
Posted: 16-10-2006 19:31
by DarkGoon
i tried all but nothing is the answer,
Posted: 16-10-2006 20:19
by DarkGoon
i'm going to cry....
i can't get it at all
Posted: 20-10-2006 00:01
by achickpea
Anyone I can pm?
Posted: 20-10-2006 08:12
by Kisa
Posted: 20-10-2006 16:19
by middkid
oh my god!! i just figured it out, and i am in heaven. thanks Kisa for letting me know i was on the right track. on to 82, 0, the negatives, everything! it took me and my friends 9 months to get this far (with a 7 month gap for level 79)
Posted: 21-10-2006 13:53
by Nic
super level ^^
Posted: 31-10-2006 21:56
by blahity
OMG I BEEN STUCK ON THIS LV 4 A WEEK.... I THINK IMA GO CRAZY!!!!! is there rly NO chance 4 even a tiny hint???
Posted: 31-10-2006 21:58
by frkyjenn
nope, no hint. You got this far you should be able to do this level.

Posted: 09-11-2006 17:33
by bobadubub
Ok. First level I have resorted to forums for *shock!*
But am well and truly stuck. First off am I right believing that no manipulation is required? i.e. no slowing down/speeding up songs or changing extensions?