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Posted: 09-11-2006 17:35
by Kisa
I think I mentioned that already often enough in this thread.
No manipulation needed. If you have the right file, just check what it gives you

Posted: 09-11-2006 17:41
by bobadubub
coolness. was just checking because that is pretty much all i could think of doing - I didn't want to discount it too soon. So now... hmm... look for a lorra lorra files

Posted: 13-11-2006 18:47
by shaunc
First of all it was worth every hours spent to finally see the answer
I tried one program and saw nothing so i tried another and saw it within seconds
BTW...I do work on these with David-J (a friend in USA) and it does help having someone there to stop you giving up.
Posted: 25-11-2006 20:38
by bumcheekcity
I'm crying here.
(tears of frustration. Tears of Joy should come later)
Posted: 25-11-2006 20:57
by Mr Fettuccine
Okay, I feel like a notpron noob.
Posted: 25-11-2006 20:58
by Kisa
Erm ... I guess you missed a clue ...
Posted: 25-11-2006 21:03
by Mr Fettuccine
Nevermind, I think I found it. Now that I have that, I'll work on it more.
Posted: 25-11-2006 21:57
by Mr Fettuccine
Posted: 25-11-2006 22:02
by frkyjenn
umm... you lost me.
Posted: 30-11-2006 22:13
by masterme
hmm , i think im right , but i cannot read the word it gives me
can i PM someone to ask if i am really right?
Posted: 30-11-2006 22:14
by Kisa
Posted: 14-12-2006 19:18
by Shiona
whew. this was just GREAT. David is just so freaking genius, and like others I seem to have love/hate relationship with him/notpron.
Posted: 24-12-2006 14:04
by NBG|M4sT3r
hmm I read the whole 22 sides of this topic but now I'm more confused then before!
looks like this level could beat "<removed>" clue

Posted: 01-01-2007 13:49
by PGX-F50
Damn, damn, damn...
There are so many hints in this pic, i dont know where i have to begin! Anyone i can PM

Posted: 01-01-2007 14:06
by fairplayer
me, if I were at 81...
but i´m at 80 and -4, sorry...