DBL dead ?!?!

All about Death Ball Leagues and Tournaments

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Post by Scotteh »

ya the current dbl season is way too long, something shorter would be better imo
Posts: 118
Joined: 09-03-2003 06:17

Post by NitrousOxide »

Catalyst88 wrote: And I reckon a more NFL-style league with shorter seasons would be better than the current DBL system :)
For what its worth, I think a league system similar to the NFL is the way forward, with no more than five teams per division. You then each team in your division to decide the final standings.

Eight teams then compete in the knockout phase, which may mean that some second place teams with equal win-loss-draw records may need to have a play-off.

Depending on how people felt, team allocations to a division could be random (potentially making "groups of death,"), or teams could be split according to their record in the previous season.

The two things that appear to have let down the DBL the most are the large divsion sizes (meaning lots of matches to be played) along with leaving fixture dates upto teams (the whole point of having a squad with more than one reserve is to have cover when a regular can't make a set fixture date). Both issues need addressing, in my opinion, if a league system is going to survive...
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Joined: 05-05-2003 15:15

Post by BlackFlame »

check the offtopic forums