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Posted: 16-06-2004 00:00
by <_Kapi_>
Weisso i dont understand why you are arguing your not even D.. so what does it matter to you if they decrease the radius?:hmmmz:
Posted: 16-06-2004 00:09
by Scotteh
The blocker will be there to distract one of the people in there. If the d goes out to kill the blocker, then the goal will be open on this side.
you can easily just have the keeper move around freely in the pbox gibbing anyone that trys to blox or shoot. even if they do get a shot off, the 2 defenders standing in the keepers box can just hold right click and the shot will be deflected.
Posted: 16-06-2004 01:52
by Weisso
<_Kapi_> wrote:
Weisso i dont understand why you are arguing your not even D.. so what does it matter to you if they decrease the radius?:hmmmz:
I'm arguing this because as I see it right now, there is not enough new defense coming into DB on the American side. Things like these, which to me, seem like a non-issue at best, are the types of things that will allow newer players coming into defense to at least find a slight edge against the more experienced North American offense that remains from way back. Prior to 2.0, the right-click was basically useless to the defense, but now, it can at least be used to deflect some things, even though against a good offensive unit, they will most likely not be able to effectively use the right-click block, and will have to resort to aggressively attacking the offense.
Posted: 16-06-2004 02:06
by <_Kapi_>
Why would it hurt if the Radius was reduced? if the defense was in front of the shot then it would get .2 if he wasnt then it would get by him... BUT NOW .. it he isnt in front of him all he has to do is hold down right click and he has a much better chance of blocking the shot without being in the proper position. I agre deflects are good for D but its just so huge of a radius...What was wrong with the old size? We all played the game without it and nothing was said or even mentioned( i dont think) about increasing the deflect radius .. so why do we need to have it changed now?
Posted: 16-06-2004 03:00
by Scotteh
the deflect (.2) is a good thing because if the defense is in the right position, then they should be able to mess up the shot/pass. the bounce (holding right click) is the thing that needs tweaking
Posted: 16-06-2004 11:56
by DavidM
makush is in holidays, so i'll have it checked next week
Posted: 16-06-2004 12:01
by 1234Bedlam
What about - The defender is in the pen zone then they try hold right click it activate bounce, but it only last for a second, then they have to let go to use it again (and maybe have to wait a few seconds to 'charge up' the bounce?)
Posted: 16-06-2004 12:04
by Morning*Star
<_Kapi_> wrote:
Why would it hurt if the Radius was reduced? if the defense was in front of the shot then it would get .2 if he wasnt then it would get by him... BUT NOW .. it he isnt in front of him all he has to do is hold down right click and he has a much better chance of blocking the shot without being in the proper position. I agre deflects are good for D but its just so huge of a radius...What was wrong with the old size? We all played the game without it and nothing was said or even mentioned( i dont think) about increasing the deflect radius .. so why do we need to have it changed now?
^^^^^ another classic example of if it aint broke dont fix it
Posted: 16-06-2004 13:01
by DavidM
i can't help it if you guys don't listen

you seem to read anything just not my posts
nevermind then
Posted: 16-06-2004 13:03
by xiller8r
someones gonna look at it, all we need to know tbh, can we stop moaning until someones had a look:p
Posted: 16-06-2004 16:48
by uberslacker
As long as you just disable the alt-fire defensively, I'd have no problem with it. If the alt-fire is also disabled for offense then you get a lot of guys getting owned who intercepted a pass in the pbox

Posted: 16-06-2004 21:19
by Infinism
Well, the alt-fire is a good addition to the game. HOWEVER, the radius is just too big. Any defender can just fall back far into the pbox and hold it, deflecting antyhing coming at him. If the defender was closer to the attacker (face-to-face), then that's fine.
Posted: 16-06-2004 21:34
by The_One
Maybe the radius could increase to its current size over time. So when a player first shoots it's really small and after 0.5 seconds it reaches maximum deflecterynousousnous.
Posted: 16-06-2004 22:24
by theberkin8or
the one that is what davidm said it is supposed to do.
davidm I am not sure what you meant about not listening to you? I think ppl did read it but just cuz you said you will look into it doesn't mean ppl won't still argue about it.
weisso listen to what orb said he is right and if you think about it you will know that. btw it is a clearly an exploit not a feature of the game, a bug so to speak, if it was a feature then we could argue the merits of this change but as it is it was not intended thus not taken into acount when the balancing of the D and O is worked on.
Personaly I would love to see a feature like this added to db, but with a small change. my idea= fix this current problem and then change the default deflect raduis down to where it is pretty much impossible to deflect without luck. But then make it so that when you had right click down your deflect raduis would go back up (mebe even a little larger than before this change) but only for a limited amount of time I am thinking .2 seconds mebe more. This would be like extending your leg to stop a shot in soccer or trying to stuff someone in basketball. Mebe even add some thing like it for the keeper. Just an idea but I like it.
Posted: 27-06-2004 00:11
by <_Kapi_>
DavidM wrote:
makush is in holidays, so i'll have it checked next week