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Posted: 05-07-2004 15:40
by Morry
Only 1580 songs Rens?

Posted: 05-07-2004 18:03
by Shev.npu
lol @ sig 2
dunno half of em :O
ya relik i see the match now

but korn - alone i breaK still number 1, slow enough to hear some sounds
Posted: 05-07-2004 18:15
by PHiLø
rens2music|off alot of time would be usaed 2 listen 2 them all 1 after another
Posted: 06-07-2004 17:13
by Inphidel
I like to beatbox and freestyle to myself the play by play. uhh yeah really.
ok maybe not. but often there is the crunching of popcorn or cramcrackers and the sound of my soda fizzing.
there is not much time, my blue jeans is tight, so upon my love rocket climb!
Posted: 07-07-2004 00:43
by TEZC_Robban

Posted: 07-07-2004 09:00
by Achilles
System of a down album Toxicity

Red hot chili Peppers album Californacation Freaky Styley and BSSM
Rage Against the Machine album Battle of los angeles renegades and evil empires
Offspring americana(when iam in a hyperactive mood)

Posted: 07-07-2004 11:43
by Messy
Why pick all the wrong albums achilly?

- SOAD > Steal this Album! > Toxicity
- BSSM (good choice) > Freaky Styley (good choice) > Uplift Mofo Party Plan (:() > Californication > RHCP > Mother's Milk > rest ;p
- RATM > Renegades > Evil Empire > Battle of LA
- Americana

\o/ <3 good choice ;p
But that's just my opinion of course =P (just felt like telling /o\)
Posted: 07-07-2004 12:06
by Achilles
u just posted that i made the right choices except for Toxicity in ur opinion maybe

Posted: 07-07-2004 13:05
by xiller8r
i cant get the f11 player to actually play mp3's
Posted: 07-07-2004 13:43
by Achilles
a:leave winamp on(or whatever program u have)
b:convert all to .ogg >_<
Posted: 07-07-2004 21:11
by Messy
Achilles wrote:
u just posted that i made the right choices except for Toxicity in ur opinion maybe
You picked the worst SOAD album, the worst RATM album, and you forgot one of the best RHCP albums

:( (uplift mofo party plan = rewl)