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Re: Level 47

Posted: 06-01-2017 01:01
by Blackmatrix
So back at it again with this riddle, picking up where I left off...

I've investigated the mp3 and I've found some interesting stuff but I can't put the pieces together so to say, it feels as if I have all the information required but I can't make any sense of it. Anyone I can PM with what I've got?

Re: Level 47

Posted: 06-01-2017 02:08
by amh

Re: Level 47

Posted: 02-06-2017 14:07
by Nader46
I think I might be barking up the wrong tree. Is there a moderator available for PM?

Re: Level 47

Posted: 02-06-2017 17:59
by amh

Re: Level 47

Posted: 05-06-2017 20:13
by amanda
Y-E-S!!! Finally!!

just do a really good research on that annoying music...

Re: Level 47

Posted: 10-06-2017 21:46
by Nader46
Another day, another hour spent on this one. I've googled a dozen or more things and can't find any two ideas that connect. It might be exabatious if I framuss the rillaroose.

Re: Level 47

Posted: 11-06-2017 01:47
by amh
You'll get there :)

Re: Level 47

Posted: 15-07-2017 09:56
Help me in this one too, please, I've been in it for almost 2 months and I can not identify the musical notes that the sound reproduces

Re: Level 47

Posted: 15-07-2017 22:52
by amh
PM me with what you have / have tried etc

Re: Level 47

Posted: 22-07-2017 21:03
by pauladiasb
can i pm someone?

Re: Level 47

Posted: 22-07-2017 21:36
by amh
You can PM me.

Re: Level 47

Posted: 13-08-2017 21:35
by thatgirl
Can someone help me, please?! I'm stuck on this level. I can't connect the informations that I have. The audio, the page's tittle... PLEEEEAASE

Re: Level 47

Posted: 24-08-2017 01:44
by ObitoPlays
Can someone help me? I've found some tips by investigating the MP3 but i already tried everything... I don't know if i am doing this correctly.

Re: Level 47

Posted: 24-08-2017 18:46
by amh
ObitoPlays wrote:Can someone help me? I've found some tips by investigating the MP3 but i already tried everything... I don't know if i am doing this correctly.
You can PM me.

Re: Level 47

Posted: 09-11-2017 23:53
by ElChindi
Can i pm someone? i passed this lvl a moment ago randomly , but i didnt understand why/which was the correct way.