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Posted: 12-02-2005 05:32
by mishaftlintone_00D its a cool website and so is

thier definiton:

Not Pron
This will drive you totally & completely insane !!! (No winners expected!)
(Kontraband ref : K1818)
23k - View

HAHAHA they only got to level 4 b4 they quit:devil: :devil: :devil: :noob:

Posted: 24-02-2005 14:29
by olga
In our Renault Club forum, we have a topic for other things than our cars ( and all that are related ...). There someone posted a thread for the notpron site ... and so for the past day I am stuck in front of my monitor ( ... guess my friends think that I am writing my PhD thesis, sorry guys ... I need something to get my mind off all that!!! )

Posted: 05-03-2005 01:37
by [enx]
i got link from op on local dc hub...
i'm wondering was it a good idea to start with notpron... day after day i feel more and more addicted :)

Posted: 05-03-2005 06:25
by aic2276
I found it on had the caption "can you solve the riddle" and it intrigued me. Clicked on it and been here ever since.

Posted: 05-03-2005 16:51
by Burntdollar
Newgrounds. Someone made a thread about it in the forums, and I started playing it. The thread seemed to just stop after level 11, but I continued playing it.

Posted: 05-03-2005 18:50
by jadeish
I was in my Media Studies lesson and I saw my friend Becky playing the game, and as I'm really nosy, I asked her what it is. We're now competing to see who can finish first! :p

Posted: 05-03-2005 22:21
by Horse0709
I found it at last night and someone made a new topic about a really hard riddle and was like "betcha can't finish it!" It sounded interesting so I came here and I've been hypnotized by it since.


Posted: 15-03-2005 06:32
by idle_chatter

Posted: 15-03-2005 07:54
by cropje
I got an overenthusiastic e-mail from a friend: "You just GOT to do this, I'm sure YOU will like it, you're allways doing things with your computer that I don't understand!"

Posted: 16-03-2005 18:53
by perikles
In a great spanish site: they always have lot of insteresting and funny links, images, stories, etc. The content is a great conversation theme when you go "beering" ;-)

Posted: 16-03-2005 19:58
by Kamerolifant
The Deathball Main Site... As a die hard UT fan Deathball is a mod to check once in a while. I must say that NotPron is a better project than Deathball. =)

Posted: 16-03-2005 20:21
by wilber
Found a link to it on

Posted: 22-03-2005 09:08
by Atlan
Hi, I have heard about at the
it's the homepage of a great german metal band. but it's a question of taste who enjoys it, because it's a little... brutal.

Posted: 22-03-2005 18:50
by k-seihanzai
In the Mars issue of the swedish gaming magazine "SuperPlay".

Posted: 22-03-2005 19:04
by frkyjenn
From an adult erotic stories web site bulletin board (say that three times fast).

Someone posted "The biggest bitch on the internet" and a link to the riddle.

I started the riddle and I've never gone back to the other bb. I wonder if they miss me.