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Posted: 22-12-2005 19:59
by slimshady
santa was white guys .. because of the snow and all
Posted: 22-12-2005 20:08
by Jelly
Posted: 22-12-2005 20:55
by Rincewind SW
Posted: 22-12-2005 21:28
by Jelly
Posted: 22-12-2005 21:36
by Jelly
Posted: 23-12-2005 01:46
by fb.shev
double posting is for the noobies.
Posted: 23-12-2005 15:58
by Jelly
.. and very immaturely aye?
Posted: 23-12-2005 18:53
by BunnyS
dudes where is the christmas love huh ?
Posted: 23-12-2005 20:00
by speedy
on christmas day
Posted: 23-12-2005 22:51
by BunnyS
what about christmas eve ?
Posted: 23-12-2005 23:14
by slimshady
what about it?..
Posted: 24-12-2005 02:12
by speedy
it's now
Posted: 24-12-2005 23:44
by `Ghost`
Posted: 30-12-2005 02:29
by fb.shev
there no love between us.. its just infactuation
he obviously fancies me too as he so dearly keeps nagging at me and saying how wonderful i am with all his compliments..tbh.
Posted: 30-12-2005 03:14
by Messy
Someone got pisht and decided to spam the forums?
It's great to see alcohol hasn't affected the sheer ever-apparent intelligence in your posts' content though.