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Posted: 30-05-2006 18:19
by speedy
don't forget the pens

Posted: 30-05-2006 19:50
by Messy
wtf hairbrush...

Posted: 30-05-2006 20:54
by kewangji
acer laptop ... designed for microsoft windows xp ... ehhh .... aspire 3000 series.

Posted: 30-05-2006 22:03
by Rincewind SW
And mouse, wires, white desk and stuff.

Yeah, you use them to brush your hair with... it was just on the desk.

EDIT: And blue cup.

Posted: 30-05-2006 22:42
by slimshady
yes! very important blue cup!

Posted: 30-05-2006 23:06
by Chrispan

ps: What kind of sennies are those? :o

heh HD 465's. The store was out of HD 208's -.- so my parents got me them.

Posted: 30-05-2006 23:26
by fb.shev
wtf moniter sticker.

shit, my 17" can give a higher reso than a 19" monitor?

Posted: 31-05-2006 01:34
by Chrispan
meh. i dont use it at that, computer cant handle it :P

Posted: 31-05-2006 04:07
by The_One
fb.shev wrote: shit, my 17" can give a higher reso than a 19" monitor?
No, it can't. Your monitor only displays 1280x1024 at most, whatever you have it set to. :)

Posted: 31-05-2006 11:14
by fb.shev
thats funny, cuz i can see alot more 1600x1200 than 1280x1024.....oh yeah wait cuz its displaying 1600x1200....

Posted: 31-05-2006 11:45
by Messy
...Clueless :)

Monitors have a native resolution as well as a maximum resolution shev.

..whatever your OS can push it to: 1280x1024 is the native resolution for your monitor (according to The_One, a wise enough man for me to trust :p) and anything above it will cause it to run at less than optimal conditions (bye eyes, bye sharpness and detail) despite the fact that saying you have a 'big' resolution increases your e-penis size.

However, I might add that running above native resolution isn't all that big a problem all the time :) I'm kind of pushing it as well, but I'll happily give up a bit of sharpness for a better overview on what I'm doing on the desktop. As soon as I'm playing a game or whatever though: it's back to a lower reso (also for the fact my computer can't run UT2004 very well over 1024*768)

Posted: 31-05-2006 12:50
by fb.shev
oh my e-penis grows if you have a bigger resolution? :o


*plugs it into 2048x1536* (sec)

And yes messy.. i do know... good thing is, 1600x1200 is still nice and sharp, and even if i dont notice, my eyes are fine with it O_o.

1920x1200 is just a tad squashed version of 1600x1200... but its fucking useful trust as its the only widescreen option my montior gives..

p.s. why arent people using 1280x960 :s its 4:3 :A

Posted: 31-05-2006 13:20
by DavidM
fb.shev wrote: thats funny, cuz i can see alot more 1600x1200 than 1280x1024.....oh yeah wait cuz its displaying 1600x1200....

1280x1024 is a bullshit resolutiong, its not even 4:3

I use 1600x1200x100hz on the right
and 1024x768 on the left

Posted: 31-05-2006 17:06
by The_One
It's a VESA standard though. Been around longer than 1280x960. Plus it would be a bit stupid running a 4:3 resolution on a 5:4 LCD. LCDs are 5:4 because of substrate size.

Posted: 31-05-2006 18:11
by fb.shev
pictures get messed up, i cant render with 1280x1024...


1600x1200 and 1024x768 are just the best reso, they are the two i use the most, but with 1920x1200 when i wanna read more stuff