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Posted: 07-05-2007 17:27
by Mighty Midget
Lenin stunk

Posted: 15-05-2007 14:20
by Arya Laris
Larisa Ray from nickname... cause unfortunately there were no results for my real name.

Posted: 17-05-2007 17:37
by Neroje
my nick is an anagram ^^

But with my last name:
Reel me menu John
Melee John run me...

can someone get it?

Posted: 28-10-2008 20:26
by wolvesofwar

Posted: 29-10-2008 10:58
by Kak0
Kim Aric Wolsky :D

I guess you can' t guess my name with that :P Just a hint : My nickname on this forum is a modified contraction of my last name ( in other words : All the letters in my nickname are in my last name but not in this order )

Posted: 30-10-2008 12:26
by The_One
Cyril Kamowski?. :D

Re: Anagram yourself

Posted: 07-12-2009 22:27
by bruteforce
Old Thread, but I just stumbled upon it and was pretty surprised by mine:
The Assimilated
I think I found a new nick... :D

Re: Anagram yourself

Posted: 16-12-2009 15:43
by Sergej
One of mine is "A battled prick"
Very flattering :D

Re: Anagram yourself

Posted: 31-12-2009 02:34
by gamemastertips
Mine seems to read "Bambi Bang Jayne." That doesn't sound right... O.o

Re: Anagram yourself

Posted: 09-04-2010 22:17
by Wutnudel
Well english Anagrams of my name are all rubbish.

But the german ones are quite interesting:
Arsch Info Zoll (ass info toll in english)
Crash Info Zoll

Posted: 08-11-2010 13:44
by Kryptofacist
Emanates Stern Joy.

Not sure what 'stern joy' is, but it's gotta be good.

Re: Anagram yourself

Posted: 17-12-2010 05:12
by virlomi
old post, but still:
I really liked "Bang Overload", or "Vandal Booger"

Re: Anagram yourself

Posted: 03-02-2011 11:14
by Larana
Anisette Pink Porn
Entertain Skin Pop
Sneaker Inn Tiptop
Insane Pink Potter
Insaner Kitten Pop

... lol, you'll never guess mine.

Re: Anagram yourself

Posted: 29-03-2017 17:28
by nikgre17
Caracal Nosing Horsy

Re: Anagram yourself

Posted: 30-03-2017 09:22
by Solli
Laser Info Rolling