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Posted: 19-06-2003 05:31
by Scotteh
Ok back on topic. Just a suggestion, there would be a home game and an away game. All goals would count the same. You then add up the goals from both games. Whoever has the lowest score is officially declared the winner. Like I said, just a suggestion.

Posted: 19-06-2003 11:54
by R3L!K
I would have thought away goals be worth more than home goals in the event the total goal count is the same for both teams.

Else, the team with the most goals wins of course.

Posted: 20-06-2003 01:36
by Spiker
[V3]Sin wrote: HEY !LEAVE MY FANS ALONE KTHX! you fucking nubcakes i win

How old are u ???

man im gald all americans aint like u.
:ban: :ban: :ban:

Posted: 20-06-2003 23:22
by [V3]Sin
Dont hate i win kthx whos NEXT!!!

Posted: 20-06-2003 23:36
by gnomeh
2 games
1 away
1 home
Add goals together from both matches, team with most goals win.

Also, most "american spam" is just jokes. If its sin, tell him to stfu or something but other than that its normally just jokes like "O no he d'in".

Posted: 21-06-2003 19:32
by Fallen
If you guys actually knew all the members of V3, only Sin is major spammer. I'm not one of them. Bodom and Xelent do it sometimes, buts its not as frequent as the bastard kid, Sin. Some of you euro's should know me because I'm taking part in the recent pickup games there out of shere fun. Most think im ok, others dont have much of a opinion about me. Sure V3 spams, but the fact is, some of us are kids, SIN. If he spams, you cant do much.

If you guys have ever played with imaginos or meaty, they never spam. I like this idea of the international league, but with the current situation of pings, it might now work out. V3, on the other hand is trying to get any euro clan to scrim. We don't mind the 150-200 pings, but the fact is, we dont lose much on ur server. When we have our server, its a whole different story, we easily win. Hence, using our US server doesnt point out much that we just unbeatable on our server when facing euro teams. The only 2 teams that have come atleast close in tieing or competeing wif us is TEZC and somewhat of cy13.

if you guys dont know....

Fallen aka Bullet

bulletsux @ irc

Posted: 21-06-2003 20:32
by R3L!K
A nice compromise might be to play on australian servers, where we all have bad pings!

Posted: 22-06-2003 01:35
by Bodom
Viva la S.S. Deathball damnit.

David, can we get a league or what? Just make it volunteer like all the other leagues, so if a clan has a MAJOR problem with ever playing with a bad ping, they just won't join.

Posted: 22-06-2003 02:43
by DavidM
that's what the champions league will be like

Posted: 22-06-2003 05:13
by Surge
or we could just all come together and get a sever in iceland O_o

Posted: 22-06-2003 06:02
by Bodom
Isn't champions league going to be based sole on the 2 former div 1's tho? There was a lot of talent in the lower divs last season, so if these teams get left out it will hardly be a "Champions League"

Posted: 22-06-2003 12:39
by DavidM
"we are not in, so its no champions league"

yeah boy, fight your way to the top then

Posted: 22-06-2003 17:44
by Cenotaph
Surge wrote: the better team should prevail under the 1:1.5 goal ratio.

dont think so!! a goal is a goal :p

Posted: 22-06-2003 18:03
by Bodom
Erm, how are we sposed to fight to the top in a 1 division league? :)

And don't call me boy, son.

Posted: 22-06-2003 18:35
by Surge
ummm if i recall correctly, V3 beat cY.13 who were in Div 1 europe.

That means that in theory they're better than you and you should actually be bumped out of the champ league. no?

Right now theres no contending for position, kinda hard to move up.