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Posted: 12-04-2006 18:38
by Messy
Surge was actually winning it, though DavidM was following him quite well.

Posted: 12-04-2006 18:47
by RaGe|DB
oldschool eh mewwy;)

Posted: 12-04-2006 23:54
by fb.shev
fuck me this thread is old /o\

Posted: 12-04-2006 23:56
by fb.shev
why does it say 800+ in the league?

omg cry *:(:(:(:(!!!

Posted: 13-04-2006 01:21
by DavidM
the forums have 40000 registered users
so it is possible in theory :P

Posted: 13-04-2006 03:44
by fb.shev
fajkndj bloody notporners.. they cant play an fps game fo SHOSH

Posted: 13-04-2006 10:49
by DavidM
but at least they have something you don't.
it has to do with brain activity

Posted: 13-04-2006 13:53
by The_One
Unclean thoughts?

Posted: 13-04-2006 15:12
by fb.shev
DavidM wrote: but at least they have something you don't.
it has to do with brain activity

uhm... everyone has something i dont stupad. even the people who are thicker than me...

and hey, i completed Notpr0n when you first made like 20 levels... and then i just cba it was boring. havent tried since.

and btw, i have something much better, l337 keeping skills bwahaha. (okok my best position is a sweeper but i dont see how i can sweep without 5v5's anymore).

Posted: 14-04-2006 11:28
by BunnyS
fb.shev wrote: fajkndj bloody notporners.. they cant play an fps game fo SHOSH

oh be fair now :D I think there are *some* that can .... ofc I'm not one of them but hey :)

Posted: 15-04-2006 00:27
by kewangji
fb.shev wrote: porn
dont tell me u didnt say it..

Posted: 15-04-2006 00:49
by fb.shev
fuck off

Posted: 15-04-2006 10:38
by Rincewind SW
If I knew what an fbs game was...

Posted: 15-04-2006 10:55
by kewangji

Posted: 15-04-2006 11:53
by slimshady
fps, not fbs

don't know what's that anyway :D