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Posted: 28-08-2003 15:31
by Fizzy
man get off of your high horse, if you dont like it dont read the thread, you got no reason to go around telling us what to do and calling us kids when you act like one yourself half the time.

Posted: 30-08-2003 15:36
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Dude, fizz..banning is lame without reason, be it for 1 minute or 10 days =|
Fizzy wrote: calling us kids when you act like one yourself half the time.

Ur both acting like kids..and fizz, imo ur acting most childish of all O_o

It's called acting ghei kthxbye

Posted: 30-08-2003 15:44
by [V3]Cajubski

Posted: 30-08-2003 17:37
by Dazlin
am i alowed to act childish cos i am a child? :p

Posted: 30-08-2003 18:11
by RaGe|DB
Rens2Sea wrote:

Posted: 30-08-2003 18:18
by [V3]Cajubski

Posted: 30-08-2003 23:31
by BlackFlame
he wasnt even banned from the channel, he was banned from playing trivia if i recall correctly (if not i appologise to khush and will never comment agaiun)

Posted: 31-08-2003 00:14
by [V3]Cajubski
banned first from trivia, then 5 mins later from channel :confused:

Posted: 02-09-2003 16:57
by MeSSiaH{FCU}

Posted: 03-09-2003 14:06
by XiLLeRaToR
lol what a sack of shit....

khush you say you don't care about it, but making a huge post about it would imply to me that you kinda do:P If you dont care, why bother right?

and you wonder why he bans you for saying shit like "ill beat you at everything" "ill take you alone" etc:)

The thing you posted as "evidence" for your side of the story kinda just made you look even more stoopahd.


dont ban people for beatiung u at trivia:P (even if it was just from the game not the chan:P)

but basically shut up, lock this thread its kinda useless

Posted: 03-09-2003 17:07
by BlackFlame
me wubs fizzy and kinda wubs khushdi even though he told me to STFU :'(

Posted: 07-09-2003 20:37
by Dazlin
he banned me to again rofl rage was there g000 rageh

well what can i say from time to time you do run into assholes with power

Posted: 07-09-2003 22:07
by L33FY
Reminds me of a certain [ex]pickup admin xD

Posted: 08-09-2003 17:03
by Achilles
wots this thread 4 i thought every1 knew fizzeh is gay

Posted: 08-09-2003 20:11
by Dazlin
lol ;)