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Posted: 04-11-2003 13:43
by cY|riCo
great tested it ping goes up to 200...
about a half year ago i played with netspeed 15000 well....

Posted: 04-11-2003 14:29
by NaB
DavidM wrote:
must be connection probs of you guys
generally no complaints about anything like that, and i never felt a dif either
what an arse.
Posted: 04-11-2003 15:24
by Sqleaf
Can't say I've noticed any increase in ping at all since the release of 1.9
I did notice the long-ish pause before the game starts, but thats only a one off and dosn't really cause any problems.
While I'm here.
Havn't noticed any majorly problematic bugs.
Although the shootbug has always been around it seems to be happening allot more recently. I don't get it very often at all (about once a month) but others seem to suffer allot with the problem. I know its Epics problem but is there any reason why 1.9 has made it worse?
Posted: 04-11-2003 17:57
by Messy
Capital_G wrote:
Sometimes, I can't hear soundeffects, so, I get hit, without hearing it, which can be rather irritating.
Or some1 shoots the ball away, which I don't hear (this is also in nice combination with the ball showing up 0.2 seconds late).
I had that a lot around 1.6~1.8, I seem to no longer have it now tho, at least not much.
One other thing u might want to change is turning off the dynamic netspeed thingy in settings @ connection.
It's annoying

Posted: 04-11-2003 18:02
by cY|riCo
what is it doing?
Posted: 04-11-2003 18:06
by Messy
No idea, but every1 says it and it's certainly helped for me :p
Maybe it tries to change ur netspeed according to your connection's speed, causing to make ur ping fluctuate?
I'd rather have a ping of 100 instead of a fluctuating 70~90 tho, so that's why I turn it off then ;p
Posted: 04-11-2003 18:19
by 1234SamY
I noticed a small drop in accuracy with 1.9.
It doesnt feel like a lag problem, because Im not seeing the ball warp around the place - but I am missing more volleys. And seems a bit harder to intercept passes. Then again, it could be because I havent played much DB for ages.
Posted: 04-11-2003 18:24
by XiLLeRaToR
seems like catch radius has been lowered, same with volley=/ dunno tho, maybe just using new version as an excuse
Posted: 04-11-2003 19:17
by Messy
Volley aimcone has been reduced from 75 to 60
Posted: 04-11-2003 19:57
by Capital_G
As for the ping increase......There is no ping increase, ping stays around 60-70 for me, but it plays like frikkin 120.
And I've had the goal-fireworks bug just now.....its ugly enough after every goal, now I had it all of the match. Get rid of it!
Posted: 04-11-2003 20:04
by Imo
Capital_G wrote:

And another addition to the laggyness of 1.8 and 1.9:
Well, this only started like 2 weeks ago or something:
Sometimes, I can't hear soundeffects, so, I get hit, without hearing it, which can be rather irritating.
Or some1 shoots the ball away, which I don't hear (this is also in nice combination with the ball showing up 0.2 seconds late).
I've noticed the sound thing alot and the 0.2 thing too.
Posted: 04-11-2003 20:06
by Fallen
It could be also cause by the new sounds that 1.9 has introduced.
Posted: 04-11-2003 20:07
by Fallen
However, as I told people on Irc, check your netspeed, capital's was 2600 and that is too low.
Posted: 04-11-2003 20:11
by Imo
DavidM wrote:
must be connection probs of you guys
generally no complaints about anything like that, and i never felt a dif either
Oh, sorry, what was I thinking. It must be my connection after all. Thanks.
David, but maybe you could just have a quick check through the 1.9 code and see if there's anything that could possibly causing a problem? Just on the off chance it's not my connection.
Also, any network guys out there know how to fix my 50ms ping problems?
Edit: oh yeah, I do like 1.9, well done.

Posted: 04-11-2003 21:09
by Capital_G
Fallen wrote:
However, as I told people on Irc, check your netspeed, capital's was 2600 and that is too low.
Didnt solve ALL the lag-problems

but helped a lot =D thx bullet