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Posted: 26-11-2003 22:19
by DavidM
the jolleh-david wall :D

well other teams can easily score on us, deus totally failed, their attackers had no idea what to do :/

Posted: 26-11-2003 22:57
by DiStUrbeD
froste wrote: na games are one thing.. ... amping.JPG

i think there is a pbox problem. Personally, i dont like trying to shoot through 4 players walking around in the pbox.

oh and the other day, my ball deflected off of a ragdoll.....?

Posted: 26-11-2003 23:08
by GazMaN
weve started to play our sweeper as a midfielder in some recent games, just to counter the full team in the box bolox.

can get round it, just takes time , and plenty of frags :)

Posted: 27-11-2003 05:26
by Scotteh
from the latest games ive seen.. o players seem to have adapted to pbox camping... (in NA games at least)

^^its called blocking for your teammates

even tho there is a lot of camping in most games now and i really hate it cause im O, its apparent that there won't be any changes to make this go away, I guess everyone will just have to think of something to get around it....passing maybe :ban:

Posted: 27-11-2003 14:46
by Imo
Scotteh wrote: ^^its called blocking for your teammates

even tho there is a lot of camping in most games now and i really hate it cause im O, its apparent that there won't be any changes to make this go away, I guess everyone will just have to think of something to get around it....passing maybe :ban:

Then it'll be removed from the game. :)

Posted: 27-11-2003 14:52
by -plær-
Yeah, I mean, who *passes* these days? Thats's just for noobs anyway...

Posted: 28-11-2003 00:02
by BloodyLoony
Well the real problem about box camping is that the most effective weapon against it is instavolleys, and we all know what happens when there's one superior way to score.

DeathBall needs complete rethinking in my mind.

Posted: 28-11-2003 03:43
by CurvE
::Pfffff:: My fucking god... no matter what you do, or change in deathball... not everyone is gonna like it... i suggest leaving it how it is...

everyone can score when there is pbox camping... its just a matter of how 'Creative' your team is.... i mean, even Khushdi can score.... and he is a keeper! (apparently ;))

Pbox 'camping' isnt a problem at all.... i dont see why people are bitching about it.... 1 def with instagib ability... and 1 keep... the rest....


LMAO... riiight...

EDIT: think about this.... to prevent pbox camping..... ever heard of a quick attack? they wont have a prayer to get back and defend. hence... no 4 people in the box,

another situation.... your 2on1 with the defender (and keeper).... what does he do? he p-box camps.... I mean... what else can he do? right? ...I hope you see my point in all this :confused:

Posted: 28-11-2003 05:15
by JollyRulez
DavidM wrote: the jolleh-david wall :D

:p :cool: ;)


Posted: 28-11-2003 07:58
by NitrousOxide
How about if defenders could inflict 5 points of damage for every hit of an attacker in their half of the pitch, regardless of whether the attacker has the ball?

Then combine that with the pbox only being instagib for the keeper, while for other defenders it only does 80 points damage.

This would encourage defenders to defend higher up the pitch, so that the odds of killing someone in the pbox is increased \o/

Posted: 28-11-2003 13:08
by Fallen_Bullet
in hockey, we call playing trap and thats is somewhat we call pbox camp here. It's boring, and you rely on breakdowns of the defense to score. Usually it's fast breaks going the other way as well.

Posted: 28-11-2003 17:20
by Croaker
What bullet said

since the trap is so commonly used in nhl, matches finish with low scoring, and watching it is really boring... We even see 0-0...
Hockey is losing popularity cause of that play style, and if we dont want the same thing to happen to db, we need to do something about it...

Posted: 29-11-2003 20:18
by Fallen_Bullet
did someone agree with me?

/me shouts hurrah!

Posted: 29-11-2003 20:48
hehe boxdefend
who was the first ????

Posted: 30-11-2003 22:38
by Imo