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Post by Mayer.hun »

Thx to Inphidils thoughts, I can really work with the map now...

Just to tell: The maps Final Release is near. Or... maybe It won't really be a final, just called final, but if there will be any sirius bugs or problems. It will be changed.

So stay tuned :D

p.s.: maybe I will start a pickup with the map or sth like that...
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Post by Mayer.hun »

As I said before... here is the maps final Version.

Check it out, and have fun ;)

Anyways, here are some of the major changes:

- Enemy player gets blocked when he tries to jump up the backboard, althought he is still capable to walk to the near of that, and still can jump and shoot, but it is harder to score from that angle (you'll see)
- The rooftophouse is smaller now, so it blocks less space, and the keeper can see more (It doesnt block the keeps view if the keep stands on it's goal)
- I have added 3 eastereggs (one is easy to find, another is harder, and u have to do sth to make it work, and the third one is really hidden ;) Don't use UEd to find em :D

I think these are the major changes that should be listed...

and now, here it comes: Download! Clickage!

http://mitglied.lycos.de/mayerhun/DB-Hi ... gF.rar.lol