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Posted: 15-03-2006 18:03
by Nicky
The meaning of life is......*has a fatal heart attack*
Of course it's going to be an answer to a level in my riddle

Posted: 15-03-2006 18:05
by kewangji
I just remembered that I actually know the meaning of life
Do u really know it?
btw I dont care if u died
pi-s out
Posted: 15-03-2006 18:07
by Nicky
I really no it and there is plenty of proof to back it up
And if you're thinking about 42 then you're wrong lol
Posted: 15-03-2006 18:09
by kewangji
well, that too
(the book rox)
shall I tell it?
*at the end of pi-r 17*
Posted: 15-03-2006 18:11
by Nicky
PM me what you think it is
And with your proof too.
Posted: 15-03-2006 18:16
by kewangji
but then u have to say yours
(out of pi-jokes)
Posted: 15-03-2006 18:31
by Nicky
Hee hee heee!
Posted: 15-03-2006 20:38
by Sam_Atoms
Huh? There's a meaning?
Posted: 15-03-2006 20:54
by Nicky
Yes there is

Posted: 15-03-2006 21:42
by kewangji
and she wont tell me
until I finish her 164:th level
Posted: 15-03-2006 21:57
by Sam_Atoms
Well, I thought Mr. Webster would solve this little conundrum. I was wrong......
life : The characteristic state or condition of a living organism.
living : Being alive; existing.
alive : Having life; living.
Aargh! Jeez......... but wait, if we go down to the ninth definition we might find something more apropos.........
life : Human existence, relationships, or activity in general.
So that's all there is to the meaning? Hmmm.........
Posted: 15-03-2006 22:09
by kewangji
damm books
personally Ithink it is to die
nicky, am I allowed to say some of the reasons?
Posted: 15-03-2006 23:13
by Nicky
@Sam_atoms: thats the meaning of the word LIFE.
@Kewangji: I told you that if I give you the proper reasons then it would give it away instantly lol. The reasons I gave you were the things I considered when working it out.
Posted: 16-03-2006 01:27
by meep98324
The problem about the meaning of life is that everyone is dying to find it.
Posted: 16-03-2006 02:24
by sbear
There is no meaning of life XD