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Posted: 23-08-2004 14:35
by Maegrim
wasnt that the rather short one? :D

Posted: 23-08-2004 14:36
by -plær-
yeah that was him. Think he had a tendency to dribble in his later years... :eek:

Posted: 26-08-2004 00:32
by PHiLø
I tried to change my hotmail password to Penis

it said it wasn't long enough < realise dthis topic deserved this post

Posted: 26-08-2004 00:35
by speedy

Posted: 26-08-2004 01:07
by PHiLø
i did u nub

Posted: 26-08-2004 07:07
by speedy

Posted: 26-08-2004 09:30
by Maegrim
get a new spacebar ffs

Posted: 27-08-2004 11:31
by Messy
speedy wrote: NO ;)

Speedy used the spacebar :D hrhr
Proof: ... post173045

Posted: 27-08-2004 15:43
by TEZC_Robban
maybe he posted from a different computer? ;p

Posted: 27-08-2004 17:00
by speedy
s p a c e b a r