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Posted: 02-05-2006 23:09
by gorybobcat
can anybody tell me how to dl music from the source code?
Posted: 03-05-2006 01:50
by elvisyo
Depends what kind of level do you need it for.
At some levels you can do with the original mp3 file that you download with two simple steps:
1. Open the file in your browser (i.e. type it's location on the url line).
2. Once the file is playing on your browser, save it to your pc (File>Save as.. or any other way you usually save files from the web).
For other riddles (so called "audio levels"...) you'll might need to record the file to use it in another extension. You'll found small freewares (I believe...) such as "Sound Recorder" to be useful for the task.
Good luck!

Posted: 18-12-2006 22:54
by InF!n!tY
befor starting playing, lern basicly HTML

it will much help you
Please help with Source Codes
Posted: 15-02-2007 16:31
by SwearingSolid
ok, i started notpron maybe 2 days ago, got up to level 6 and was on it for like 10 hours, 10 HOURS!, so then i looked up hints and tips (not spoilers, honest) and there all saying look up the source code, so i go to VIEW>SOURCE and then a code what i have no idea says comes up on notepad, what do i do to get the user and pass, help would me muchly appreciated (if muchly is a word :S)

<---- haha looks like goku form DBZ
Re: Please help with Source Codes
Posted: 15-02-2007 18:19
by Kisa
SwearingSolid wrote:
what do i do to get the user and pass, help would me muchly appreciated
That's what the riddle is about: To figure it OUT!
Posted: 15-02-2007 20:23
by SwearingSolid
hey i know its a riddle, but i dont know how to figure out the riddle, i cant understand the code and how to open files, theres no files there, only words, how do i figure out the riddle:blabla:
Posted: 15-02-2007 21:19
by Kisa
Read the words and try to understand them? Just for starters.
If you need to know how to read html, I suggest you google for some information about this. Others found that information, too.
Posted: 15-02-2007 22:41
by SwearingSolid
ok i got most of it, but how do i download stuff, i dont get how to
yes yes im a

Posted: 15-02-2007 23:06
by Kisa
Did you read the FULL thread here?
Posted: 15-02-2007 23:17
by SwearingSolid
yes yes i did, theres like 2 question about downloading, but i dont get it. what do i have to put as my url and stuff :S
Posted: 15-02-2007 23:31
by SwearingSolid
i just want to know hwere to put them
e.g on level eight, there is a code : /stuff/mus1.mp3 i reckon i have to download it, where do i put it, to get it???
Posted: 15-02-2007 23:39
by Kisa
Erm ... what about the addresssbar? Where you put ALL file names so far, including level 7, for example?
I've put a quite lengthy post into this thread already along time ago how to download such stuff, but I guess you didn't find it worth to read it ...
Posted: 15-02-2007 23:45
by SwearingSolid
yes but i put them in and nothng comes up, what do i need to add, level 7 i got by sheer luck, from the german thing, it means <spoiler removed

Posted: 15-02-2007 23:47
by Kisa
Then you didn't change the URL correctly.
Find and read the post I mentioned, it's in this thread.
I'm going home now.
Posted: 16-02-2007 14:35
by SwearingSolid
*dances around in joy* yay i finally did it awsome, i understand it all now, hellyeah!, thanks kisa and all, thansk fo ya help.

and p.s great smilies